I'm thinking of joining the academy but I'm kind of nervous paying such high amounts in advance.
Also, I have came accross some harsh reviews on the program in the internet from people who paid thousands of $ and could not get a hold of their coach for weeks.
I know you cannot believe everyhting they tell you on the internet but then again, as a responsible consumer and a family man who works 60 hours a week, I need to double check where I drop my money (especially when we are talking such high amounts).
From speaking to the academy rep., I understand that the company behind the academy is not Dean's company but rather a different RE coaching company that is working with Dean, who are supposed to be real good.
Can anyone share some experiences?
Success academy
Posted on: Wed, 08/25/2010 - 01:53
Success academy
Here is what I said in a post on 08/18/10
Steve here of Steve and Veronica. Last night I read a lot of post asking about the Success Academy. Here is what I have to say. The package we bought into came with the on line classes. The classes are 30 minutes to 60 minutes long with a quiz at the end of the class to see if you understand the subject. Examples of classes are Lease Options, Property Inspection, Short Sales 1&2, Networking & your power team and so many more we have over 30 classes in our on demand.
We also have software on small business legal management library. Just about any form you may need will be in here.
We have the Property Trend software that you can find pre-foreclosed homes and foreclosed homes in most parts of the US. It will show you the tax information on the homes also along with who owns the home.
The best part of the Success Academy is the Coaches. You can call and talk to a Coach about any real estate question no matter how bad you may think the question is the Coaches will help you. I have called the coaches a lot and they have kept me from buying a bad property as well as helping to by a good one.
Look around on this DG site and you will see that most of the Successful Students are in the Success Academy.
Can you make money without the Success Academy yes, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t. If you use the techniques’ that Dean teaches, you will make money. If you want to take your investing to the next level talk to a Success Academy Personnel 1-888-286-7712 ext. 525
We wish alot of success to all our DG Family
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
The reviews you read come from people that think if you join this program they will do the hard work (finding killer deals) for you. They don't do that. They give you the education and the tools that allow you to do it for yourself, if you have the drive and determination to succeed! What percentage of people are motivated and take action? I would say 5% or so. The others blame others for their own failures!! Stay away from those people!
I am a academy student and got my 5 deals a while back and got a full refund as promised! Was it easy? No. Did the coaches do it for me? No. By the way, anyone that says the coaches can't be reached is full of BS. You call and are connected to a coach any time during their hours. I always got a coach and can still get a coach anytime I pick up the phone and call. Period!
The online classes and workbooks teach it ALL! No need for any other source of REI education. Its all there.
If it was not for Dean and the academy I would still be working a J.O.B!
Good luck and take action!
Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins
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Make sure you ask about the academy that has the PMI classes I think there may be an other academy that will take payments I am not sure. I have read some post on this site that sounds like a different program than the one we are in. We have never had a hard time getting a hold of a choach. I did read here somewere that a student stoped payments to an academy and the choaches stoped taking thier calls. Well if you don't pay what can you say. If you don't pay a college they will kick you out also.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
I am in the Succcess Academy. I know and understand what you are saying. I am a single mom on a fixed income & definately can't be dropping that kind of money at the drop of a hat. But sometimes, just have to go with your gut. Or looking for anyway out so to speak. Praying for something to come along, things to change.....then got a call. Many have been successful in RE without the Academy. Just kind of makes the 'o.k. now what's next' a little easier! lol
You could google 'Jesus Christ' and get negative comments. Thing about the internet and research.....just make sure you check all sources. If they are not credible or aren't where you want to be.....then maybe not he best source for info. (kind of disgruntled employee syndrome). Yes, there are 'bad' apples in every walk of life. Doesn't necessarily mean all are. If you were to walk into your local gym and see an overweight/out of shape person struggling on a eliptical.....would you just turn around and walk out.....saying this stuff doesn't work. NO...look for the ones that have fruits for their labor. The ones that didn't quit or make excuses. And have the results to prove it.
I do hope you will strongly consider the Academy. But you will have to do what is best for you and your family. Wishing you the best of luck on your REI biz and any endevours that your pursue!
Many blessings and success,
Thanks - appreciate the words of encouragement. I guess if I want to make it in the RE business, I need to start making decisions. So here goes...
There are many different price plans and it seems the prices vary from person to person; I am not sure why.
As other posters have said, this is not a system whereby the deals get done for you. This gives you the tools and education you need to make it happen. If you don't follow the assignments and do the tasks that they recommend to make you successful, you probably will not benefit from the academy. It takes work, and this isn't a 'get rich quick' program. Its a 'work for your dreams and goals and achieve by utilizing the material you're given. You will determine your own success or failure.
Best to you, hope you make the decision that is right for you at this time!
It is CERTAIN we will SUCCEED!
And I recently received some pressing financial news about my nephew & his college education. I'm about 60-40 leaning towards doing the Success Academy, but I keep wondering whether this form of coaching/learning works for me. I'm more of a classroom/library, in-person type, rather than online.
I don't wanna pay so much for something that I'll have to struggle to adjust to. Thats my big dilemma right now.
For those who've gone through the program, what did you find was the hardest or most difficult aspect?
"If you STAY ready, then you ain't got to GET ready". -Will Smith-
I was set up on an 'assignment' course, and I was a little thrown off in the direction I wanted to head. I now know I want to do subject to financing deals and lease options/sandwich leasing. My curriculum was set up around assigning, which in my current situation and area is not feasible. It was difficult to market when I didn't really know yet what strategy I was marketing for.
Also, there is a nice setup in the PMI thing where you set your goals and put in the date you accomplish them. That is something essential to me; however, it hasn't worked the majority of my time there and no one has been able to fix it.
Otherwise, I think if you are used to a classroom environment, you WILL like how its set up. It is not like any other online classroom I've seen, and it is equivalent to having a teacher right there talking to you through the presentation. I personally take notes while I'm learning by typing on another screen on my computer. I learn best by writing things down. That's why you'll see a lot of posts by me on things I've learned. Its sticks in my head when I write it down moreso than just seeing it and hearing it.
I think you need to evaluate what you are really paying for. When i signed up for the academy I really couldn't afford it but when I looked at what it could provide for my future the choice was less daunting. The academy makes you ACT on life. I have found I have started to DO the things I always wanted. Will the coaches bring money to your door - no, and they don't promise that. They do give you support when you need it if you seek it. (i've never had an issue reaching a coach) They stress it's about your motivation and the fact that you're on this site proves your motivation. Being on the academy feels like you're part of an environment where everybody has felt your concerns and is there to answer and support anytime of the day. You can't put a price in this.
I wish the best of success whichever way you choose.