Short Sale Mind Blower!!!!!

Short Sale Mind Blower!!!!!

Watch this - incredible and infuriating!!!!


Ugh! Aren't you sick to your stomach? It is so maddening.


Cathy B

Follow my progress at:

This Explains

a lot! When is enough enough?



This is the reason you can be aggressive, They still have plenty to play with.




This is absolutely ridiculous! And then they do all in their power to try to keep investors from making money on shortsales!!!! This absolutely angers me to no end! UGGHHH!


How great would it be to be on the receiving end of this transaction. What a bunch of FlipTards! This is ridiculous, there needs to be some sort of regulatory agency in place to stop agreements like this from happening in the first place. What a scam!

Imagine all the people that knew this was being formed and bought stock in this company on the first day they opened!!!! OMG, tons of people are going to make a killing on this!

This WORST part is that they have the cohoonas to still hit the borrower with a deficiency judgement after all is said and done and they already made a huge profit. Talk about the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer!!!! ARGH!

Absolutely Terrible!


SKY Real Estate Services, Inc.

"Money Doesn't Grow On Trees, But It Does Fall From The SKY!"


Got other words and thoughts!! GRRRR!!! And we wonder why Puzzled the banks want to let their customers go down the tubes. Not any more!! Sad

short sales here I come

I know it is sickening to hear this information but we need to move forward with the information and actively pursue SS. I think that we can use this as a reference and maybe in our ss packages


When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.


Wow, this is absolutely ridiculous! I do smell an opportunity though...


Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"


F.E.A.R- False. Evidence. Apprearing. Real.
Talk IS Cheap!

o my!

So, they're making more money off these homes! I can't believe it. N o wonder why it takes so long to find out the loan mod never goes through, or if it does... you know?

This is insane

This is also corruption at its finest. Wow!!



just another

CORPORATE America daily routine of ripping ppl.

What you're not use to it yet?

If we only knew all the ways we get taken


Mike Free tools


this crap ever end? I'd love to meet up with one of those guys in an alley. I wouldn't give them a piece of my mind that's for sure... and yet we beg and borrow to make a living on legal deals...Jan

My opinion....

its a mixture of "wow, thats %$# up" to "well they have to keep the lights on"

I've always been of the mentality that if an opportunity comes up you have to take advantage of it, and this, while over the borderline level of foul, is reality.

On one hand you have people who purchased homes they clearly could not afford to maintain because the 'opportunity' to buy a home came about and they didn't know when or if it would ever come again.

Then you have the banks who sold these homes, most knowing they couldn't be maintained, but thought of today rather than tomorrow. The end result is what we have now.

Now what we have is survival of the fittest; people who can't afford to keep their homes want to try and keep them or stay in them as long as possible and the banks want their money back.

Who's right and who's wrong???

My new opinion

I watched this five straight times. Five.

And truth be told overall I don't see anything so earth shatteringly wrong with it.

The banks and execs are realistically doing exactly what we all do here; make money off of people in distress. They just make truckloads more.

No one here cares anything about the person who's house or property you're buying so there is no reason why they should care about any of us.

Its about opportunity.


This is beyond belief, or should I say NORMAL??????????


This is both sickening and

This is both sickening and ironic. My realtor has just sent me two potential SS listings today saying "we need offers to hold off foreclosure"!!!

Agree with Makeba and Matt...potential opportunity.



Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!

"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal:

I have seen this

before. This is where our bail out money went....glad we could help make the rich richer. It's a wonder why these guys aren't in jail.


"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."

Shaun Omar
DSD Investor Group Inc


What is so different from these guys getting discounts on the mortgages and everyone here getting properties to sell at 50% and lower???

There is no difference. If people were having their mortgages raised without explanation or kicked out of their homes, then I could understand the calamity.

But the fact is real estate is about benefitting from others' misfortune; you lowball people to sell at a higher price instead of doing the 'right' thing and buying from them at market price if you really wanted to help someone.

Let's not get all sanctimonious when everyone here looks to get paid off of people in need,.......excuse me in dire need.

If a person who's house is worth $140k and you pay them $140k or more, then you have every right to be judge and jury.


Guess Elix has a

Guess Elix has a point...after re-reading what I posted, I have to somewhat agree!



Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!

"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal:

Knowledge is power

This looks to me like a great bargaining chip for us the investors. By knowing this we can use it our advantage when making our low ball offers. Yes it is sick and the ethics of it are just not there, but it is happening and our job of negotiating,and justifying our offer prices on these deals has just got increased by knowing this.


CHP Investments Inc.
Power Packed Investments
James Cook & Tawnya Pete We are creating a future one deal at a time in the footprint of those who have gone before us by learning daily and taking bold action on what we know works by there example and success.

[favorite quote] The execution of an idea is always more important than the brilliance of a thought; transforming learning into behavior. author unknown.