Rina's journal prompted a new forum section where every member can start a journal to document your progress and get feedback on your activities and strategies from other members.
You can add to it as frequently or infrequently as you like, with as little or as much info you want to post.
By keeping a journal you will not only be able to reflect on your own progress in REI, you will be able to see things ideas or strategies that aren't panning out and should be modified, and focus on those that are.
You will also be able to get insight and perspectives from others in a light you may not have considered.
Anyone can start a journal here, from the prospective investor who just got interested to the most seasoned pro.
If you are new member, maybe start with the basics:
"Today I got Dean's book and have read through page X. So far, reassigns sound like the most interesting start due to the low risk and little capital needed."
Then add you go.
Keeping a journal will both instill discipline and continuous action to move forward, the two key ingredients that most people who give up never achieve.
We all look forward to following your progress, trials and triumphs!
PS: Thanks for setting this in motion Rina!
I have been navigating all over this website since I ordered Dean's book BARM. There is so much helpful information and lingo on here that I'm so overwhelmed my head is spinning. I don't even know if I'm even in the right place to post this comment. Could I have posted this as a first entry to my journal? I'm so confused and don't know where to start to sort
out all the invaluable information.
Ok, I know I'm new here but this is really making me feel stupid.(lol) Can you please direct me to the link that allows me to start a journal. I can't seem to find it.
Ken :0)
"Success is not for the chosen few
but rather for the few who choose it"
Today is my first entry. I should had started this two weeks ago when I finally finished Dean's book "Be a Real Estate Millionaire" but better late than never... Anyway, right now I'm working on my first deal - or I should say deals. I have one seller who is selling two properties to a buyer that I found on Craigslist. The buyer is willing to pay a finder's fee at the closing of the transaction. To start off, I'm charging 2.5% as a finder's fee. So I get to the point where the buyer wants to do an inspection on the properties. So I tried to lock in the deal with the seller before he meets the buyer at the inspection, but the seller says he don't want to do an assignment clause contract. I told him I need that to protect myself from the buyer cutting me out of the deal. So the seller tells me he would pay me 4% commission if the buyer pays full asking price! The seller also suggests I draft a non-circumvent agreement with the buyer so s/he can't cut me out of the deal. I wanted to know if that's a good idea. I know the property won't be locked in but the seller doesn't want to deal with that type of contract. So in the meantime I drafted a Non-Circumvent Agreement for the buyer and a Finder's Fee Agreement for the seller. I can't wait for tomorrow to see how both parties respond. I hope I covered myself with my draft... I can't let the fear get in the way. Let's see what happens tomorrow.
Acquiring knowledge without application is like locking yourself in a room with a fortune.
Hello Everyone! My name is Danielle. My fiance is the one who actually ordered Dean's books and I am the one reading them because he is always working. I have not completed reading "Be A Real Estate Millionaire" yet but am on page 173. I read as much as I can every day. It can be difficult some days because I do have 2 grade school children and a 2 year old daughter who is in her terrible two's as well. We've always wanted to get into the Real Estate Business but were sceptical then when we first tried it we got scammed so it kind of turned us a way from the idea for a little while. Then Mark and I were up late one Saturday night and saw Dean's commercial. We were both very interested but a bit skeptical still. Then Mark said let's give it a try. His commercial was the only one we had seen that didn't mention any money except for the books! So, I've been reading for about 2 weeks now and all I can say is "WOW DEAN". I thought real estate was so frustrating and complicated but he tells you clearly what to do and the things you need to do to basically kick yourself in the rear and get off your booty and do it. As of this time we are actually looking to move, unfortunately we are renter's and it is hard and frustrating. See we have had a problem with our current landlord concerning our utilities. Let me just say this, they have us stuck with an Electric bill for $7,000 bucks that I do not have. It is a long story to explain. I hate renting and really want to have a home of our own but both of us do not have very good credit and I am a stay at home Mother. I don't know my credit score but the last we checked Mark's was around 560 which we were once told was not very bad but I think it is. We tried to buy a house 2 years ago and basically got screwed by the real estate agent. He told us that he had us preapproved and come to find out he lied, hmmm. So once again we want to try and we now have some money to put down on a home but are having trouble find anyone to give us a loan or to even work with us period. Mark has a stable job in which he has been with the company for a little over 7 years. I call him the man of all trades because he knows how to do just about everything (I got lucky finding him). We have around $3,000.00 to put down which I know it isn't much and we don't have any friend's with whom we could hook up with to invest in a property. Well, today I received a call from a company called RealtyTrac who said they have a program where you find homes for an investor and put some of your money with it ($10,000) to be exact and then in return when the property is sold you get a percentage. Sounded awesome to me but we don't have 10,000 to invest in a down payment. So I am curious to see what other members have to say. I have the time to research property's and drive around on the weekends to check the homes out in person, as well as take photo's. And where I live I see literally tons of homes boarded up. Some need major work and other's don't and to me they look like treasures. I have so many ideas in my head as far as fixing the homes up and I am a cheap-o. I research the price of things just for the heck of it a lot. Looking for some encouragement and appreciate all ideas! Nice to meet everyone and may you all prosper in your successes!!
Just finished Dean's book PFRERN and I am screening mortgage brokers, real estate agents, real estate attorneys, and title companies to form my investment team. I have many ideas in mind and with the information from Dean and fellow students I am sure I will succeed in reaching the goals that I have set for myself and my family.
This is the first of my journal entries. I was going to wait till I first read all the posts listed, but after registering for the fourm, I received my 10 points, I went looking around. Yes! I have a itchy click finger! L.O.L. Any_who!! I Started reading the Topic Headings, and clicked on Real estate investing tips,It was something to do with "Graigslist Basics"! Well Their was a rather resent post with a Q: and no reply, Sooo..I replied to the post. Yes! I only hope I was a Ray Of Hope with my response. Oh! By doing this I got Another 3 points. EEkk! a total of Yes "13" points. L.O.L. I'm not supersticious, But...Being new at all this, I have to take no chances! Yes I'm assuming I will be getting points for starting a Journal!Ha Ha. Well, if you can get Lost in sea of links like I can, and only find my way home by means of the "Back" button; Im going to paste the reply to the post in case it can help you, and give you a Ray Of Hope! This person was new also, with bad credit from bankrupsy! He wanted to know if he was on the right track by First looking for a buyer before attempting to find a home that he said can be gotten for a smile and a handshake. My Response: This is my first attempt to impart my $.02! From what I see, You have not received any reply's on your post.I am new at all this myself, and I keep getting lost by clicking on different links and topics. This old spounge is still soaking up all the input.I know your situation and can relate to it, as i'm sure many others can! For Both our sakes,and all the rest! I do hope you "ARE" on the right track! I do agree that you should have a choice of investers willing to buy! Even better if you can get them to all be searching for the same criteria. ie: REO,FHA,Rent to Lease, etc... With (X) amount of bdr and bath, multi unit, etc. This is only my idea and not from Deans book, But! This will show you what type of real estate to look for on that {Handshake and smile}that you mentioned. Then you can submit the home to ALL the investers on your list simlstionusly, in the form of an Auction letting... Them! get the assign amount to the Max they think they can get it for and still make Their profit?? I havn,t visited Craigslist yet, but I'll be going their when my website is finished, so I have a place for them to reply. Hope this was helpful. I'll be looking for when your online or checking if you have a journal. One more thing you can do is to start by Passing it off to the invester for a Finders fee I think it's probably 1% to 3% that you get at closing. Use That money to pay down your debt. When you think that all the cards are stacked against you and all is hopeless, the Bible has two words to remember "But God" P.S. Don't mind the spelling. Maybe I can start a new topic "How to ...Spell check... or keyboard 101... Lol. Well, till my second entry I gess it's the first The End!
I have been reading BARM and PFTRE and I must say, it has definetely prompted me to take action. So far, I have been browsing this website , leaving a few posts here and there as well as building a buyers list. I will surely make my money in real estate investing.
Okay. I have started a journal at home in a notebook. I just received the book last week. I gave birth on April 1st to a healthy baby girl. She is the 5th of my children ages 7, 6, 3, 1 and 13 days. I saw profit now book on the 3rd the day I was being discharged and ordered it. (With out hubbies knowledge. He can be skeptical;) Got it at the end of week. Waited to read until fam that was helping me out left. So I actually started reading on April 10, 2009. Sabbath is a day of rest for me so no reading Friday evening to Saturday evening. Finished on Sunday. So approximately 2 days worth of reading. Haven't taken any action yet except picking up a paper. I am unsure if I should post a journal with so little to say and so little real time experiance. I have studied tons. Like I said I started a journal to keep me organized and motivated and I sign it at the end of each entry to kind of make it a commitment or like a promise to myself.
I don't know if my journal could help anyone. Opinions welcome. Do you think I should post it or continue what I am doing and when something comes out of it that can actually be of help post it than.
Faithful awaiting your answers.
I don't know if my journal could help anyone. Opinions welcome. Do you think I should post it or continue what I am doing and when something comes out of it that can actually be of help post it than.
Faithful awaiting your answers.
Welcome to the DG family. It's great to have you here!
Certainly start your DG journal if you have any desire to do so. You would be surprised how much it inspires others, even if you're just starting out. In fact, some of THE most inspiring journals are the ones by people just like you, that are just beginning in REI. It is AWESOME to see growth and support each other in the hard parts. This is a WONDERFUL group of people to share with what is happening day-to-day, like-minded and all with a positive goal.
And CONGRATULATIONS on the birth of your baby girl! 5 children, wow! I think you've got the courage for anything RE could throw at you!
I look forward to reading your journal and being part of your adventure.
God bless,
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
First you are an inspiration to us all your input is invaluable. please excuse my errors I have new born in my lap, my son on the other side and I am typing with one hand. I will start my journal tonight once the babies are sleeping. My problem appears to be thinking to big and having so many ideas that I am finding it hard to focus. Hopefully the journal keeps me focused.
Hello im Mr Clarence Young in San bernardino.I was just realeased from the hospitial,yesterday.Im a parilegic with both legs cut off below the knees.Plus im parilized from the wase down from gunshot wounds,In 1983 i wwas shot in the back 5 times at close range.I,ve already read the book 4 times and know what too do just about.But i still need coachiing,I go and have drained out of me 3 times a week to stay alive.But please someone im not dead yet,so will you pleasecoach me.Im giving it my all,i,ve been poor all my life and it,s time for a change.Thank you Mr Clarence Young.
Well I've sat in front of this computer for day's looking and reading so many times. Finaly deciding to start a journal something for me to look back on. Rec'd Dean's books few weeks ago reading first one, tons of information to obsorb. My problem is I'm not much of a book person (I have to change that) I have to go by hands on to understand it (like building a car engine my dad showed me piece by piece) MISS YOU DAD! I think since my dad's passing things have not been the same.
Now, when I look at my kids I have to get my life on (A steady track) cause, it truly only comes by ONCE. (I thought as a kid your dad lived forever). I hope that taking this journey in my life will change things for the better.
I've been a trucker for 20 yrs pay check to pay check going No were, and nothing to show for it. I have 4 kids 20,17,8,6. I sleep about 3-4 hours every day just used to it. Don't want to sleep my life away I guess. Woke up b4kids at 5am 2day made coffee,sat in front of this computer and stared at it forawhile nervouse I guess.
I started a Landscape Buss back in 04 started ok could of been better. I see alot of homes here in Southern Cali. For sale,bank owed,lease,foreclosures etc.. said to myself wish I could get some and sell or rent them out but, don't know how to go about it. It's also kinda hard when your other half doesn't believe in you or always says negative things which I don't listen to.
That's funny cause, I read that part in Dean's book (made me laugh) he's right if you don't have someone to back you up it's hard. She's gone from Fri-Sun every week so I'm mister mom/dad jungleing sports on weekends,working buss during the week and when I can. Bills are coming from everywere money is very tight. When the housing crashed so did I but, then I saw all the houses being emptyed out.
Then it dawned on me all my nights staying up watching T.V. all the info comm for years u see them come and go mostly go!. One day watching the tube saw Dean's spot but, remembering I saw him many years ago (WISH!!! I called him back then). He didn't talk about RE he touched on people's inner self, basicly describing me! and I said (*&^%) that's me all right. That alone prompted me to get his books which I found to be very informative. He has more information/guidance then anyone out there.
This must be a start for me cause I'm reading and listening to the weekly blog. I think I have to just write things down like 1.2.3. things to do.
The websit alone is fantastic alot of people with tons of information to give hope I can obsorb it all.
Well looking back on what I wrote seems I just went on an on(bla bla bla) thought about starting over but, what the H$ll it's my first entry!
I hope that this will all come together I know within myself that I can do it. One must believe in one's self. I read that people have made deals within two weeks of getting books I hope I can do the same but, may take me longer.
Hope to talk to all of you someday maybe even work with.
By for now
Ive been a Realtor for 3 years and have just turned in my license cause my broker would not allow me to be an investor. I have recently just secured a home for 40k that is worth appox. 70k. I am advertising it at 54,000 and hope that I can get it assigned in the next few weeks. This is my dream and I love it. Thanks!
Hi TO All, This is going to be a experience that's going to turn my life around. I feel I have the right connection this time in my life! Real Estate has been the foundation of success and has stood the test of time good or bad. We are in the right place and time! I must say I was a liitle scared 2 days ago when I got the book. But what and who is there to fear? I am determined to go forth with this full force even though the odds are not good. I feel DG is Great! The Best to All. See you at the top. Besides it's MYDESTINY...............
I believe creating the journal is a great idea. I enjoy reading Rina's journal and I am happy that others will be creating one as well. I enjoy reading and learning about everyone's progress. Keep up the good work and be sure to let us all know about those deals! Believe and Achieve!
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
this is your favorite stalker
how do I start a journal? I want the 25 club to be able to follow us
Welcome to all the newbies! Looking forward to reading/following your journals!
Debby, I see you got yours started!
Hey, how many are in your 25 Club now? (btw, cool idea!)
Joe, I love reading all your posts! Thank you!
mydestiny, what you say is so true! DEFinitely the right place at the right timw. I wish you all the success you are deserving of! Good to have you here!
rsims3006, I am excited for you! It's so exhilerating to follow a dream! I think you have opened a whole new world for yourself. Congratulations!!
William, CONGRATULATIONS on taking action! (You should start a new journal thread and copy your entry to it.
) I very much look forward to celebrating with you as you take baby steps and then huge strides to the RE success you and your family deserve! You can do it!! It's good to have you here. 
Ericka, how are things going? Give those babies a hug for me!
I think I missed the start of your journal. I will go look for it.
Blessings to all!
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
Hey guys can anyone tell me how to find first entry so I can keep up with my fournel entry's
Today I went out to look for distressed properties. I found 4 that look promising. Tomorrow I will go to the township and search the names of the owners. I plan on calling some title companies. Looking forward to great things!
Hello all!
Today, I am starting the 2nd week without money to pay the rent. My resume is poor and I cannot find work. No way to get around this but I am still hopeful that I will be able to do something with this Investing.
I have given up on Traditional Job Searches pretty much but now I am hoping to somehow find Deals for Investors.
In 2 weeks I will no longer be able to pay for Storage of my things and I will lose them.
BIGGEST PROBLEM: Staying focused when I am expecting to lose all my things and be homeless. I posted 2 days ago and someone said they may be able to help me but they did not even answer my reply at all! So much for that!
I want to find properties and present them to Investors. This requires me to have an Equitable Interst or else the Investor can always say bye, bye and undermine me.
Unfortunaltely, this is my Starting point of my Journal. I guess it probably cannot get too much worse than this
I am going to stop here because I am depressed about the immediate future and I am probably sounding negative instead of positive like this website should be.
Hi everyone
I have been a silent surfer of these very informative communications. I decided I needed to get involved because ... people need people.
My husband and I decided one late night in April 09 to buy Dean's book online. When it came it sat on the floor for about a week. I stared at it wondering when it would call to me to open it. I also downloaded the Mp3 version of it and put it on my IPOD, which is great. I love to walk and listen to it. My husband began the hard copy and I the Mp3.
Later after another week we got a call to join the academy. We thought about it and made the decision to join. We leveraged our payment on a credit card and was told that we have a year to do five deals and we can get our payment back. That is good motivation. Also very importantly are the coaches that are a phone call or click away. That is major because we are inexperienced in these very creative ideas. We've owned and sold/rented 4 houses but never held them long term.
Started the academy the first week of May. Talked with our coach and he gave us our beginning lessons and we began them.
Our son returned from Iraq the second week soooo not many lessons covered but visited website for encouragment.
Third week got a call from the TaxClub.
Now this was a very informative call. My husband and I had been stuck with a tax bill several years ago because of ignorance. IGNORANCE is not BLISS. You must be informed. We didn't understand about SELF EMPLOYMEENT TAXES. So when he helped locate properties for someone who was interested in investing we were taxed as a contractor. So when the taxclub went over the different levels of membership we were interested but didn't want to invest anymore credit. Our desire to not overpay taxes won out and we formed an LLC and became a member of taxclub and now have them to ask all our tax liablility questions to.
Fourth week.
Re-focused now that our son has gone back "home" to Iraq. He is in the Infantry and he enjoys being a soldior.
Talked to our coach yesterday and got more defining info. There is sooo much information that I didn't know where to start. We need buyers because we have no mo' money. That's stating it pretty simply. We used our cash to buy our new home in Nov of 08 (not even thinking about this) and have poured more into this house, (not knowing about this).
So this journal is my place where I can focus and remind myself why we are doing this.
Why we must not fail or give up
1. This kind of investing will bring us future security.
2. This will be a business that our kids can partisipate in and be benefited with.
3. We will have no more consumable debt...ever!
4. We will help reclame the community around us for the good of all.
5. We will help others by helping ourselves.
That's it for today. Today is the chapter on creating a buyers list, finding buyers etc. That is going to be great.
The one thing I hate is feeling stupid so I must study, learn and be teachable. I appreciate everyones imput.
Pro 13:22 A good life gets passed on to the grandchildren; ill-gotten wealth ends up with good people.
Well this is my second entry but, can't find the first one to add to. Things with me are still the same. Trying to understand all the information I'm reading sometimes seem overwhelmed, maybe reading to much into it not sure.
Need to get out and talk with/find realtors. See alot of houses need to get on the ball. I am taking tons of notes off the website making myself organized down to the little things. Don't get support from anyone!. I need to stay positive and know that this will work for me.
My company is in the toilet, my 2nd job has always been pay check to pay check which S***. I want to be somewhat secure for my future an kids. Untill next time hope I have better news to write and progress.
when i first started with dean graz last year i was so gun hole take on the world , i was did great got my first rental property using deans tech on bank owned props my triplex in anchorage , i rehabbed allt he things involved witj getting it rented , then i was trying for more deals i couldnt get any thing going then the market went to shiiii , i coiuldnt qualify for laons unless i had 20% down which i dint up here in alska forclosures are still arond 200,000 to 300,000 thats just the way alaska market its,
to be really honest i got flustered and down , i kind of gave up went back to work in the oil field of alaska for the winter , my triplex haveing headaches septic pipe busitng paying for that othere isuues , but you know even after all this i still want more propertiers , im trying to find my new renewed person in me, going foward, dean taught me quite abit on finding bank owned props, i dont have alot of cash at the moment most of it tied up in my realestate , some how some way i will prevail on getting more props
i watched the movie the secrete it helped to bring me around again neaver give up hope keep trading foward and be grate full for the things we have , just keep being determined to achieve what you want in life
somehow i will prevail dont have aclue yet but it will happen
mike sondgeroth
michael scott sondgeroth
150% determined believe!!! successful most of all have fun!!!!!!!!!
Finished Dean's book. I liked his cook-book approach better than Robert Kiyosaki's books. Robert's are inspirational; but, Dean's are more how to. Thanks, Pete
School is out!! That means I don't have a day job for the next 3 moths. Time to get bussy in real estate!! I join the site for in march but feel like I'm going tooo slow. Well thats about to change because now i will have plenty of time to dedicate to REI. Some of the thing i have done are set up an LLC, website, and my 1888#. My goal for today is to advertise for the following: real estate agent, broker, and buyers.I have decided to start my journal as a way to keep track of my activities and in time look back and feel proud of acomplishments. It will be an adventure I know it!!
Stop thinking just DO IT!
Hi Cashflow,
Welcome aboard this life changing event! Looks as though you are off to a great start. I am also a new member. But I have gained so much knowledge in 2 1/2 weeks. The support is great here. Opportnity has no limit here. I wake up excited everyday. Now it's time to get out and make it all happen! Much success to you..............Lubertha
I love this site. It was like love at first site. Everyone is so positive and willing to help one another and not to say of all the knowlege one gets from reading the forums. Thank you Lubertha for your warm welcome!!!
Stop thinking just DO IT!
This is my first entry. So I will try to get up to date. I got Deans Books in the mail about four weeks ago. I have since decided to join "Deans Success Acadamy" and hit the ground running.
I statred out with good credit, but no money comming in, being recently downsized. I have also joined the "Tax Club", and so began my new S-Corp, R CLK Enterprises Inc. With the Action items as my guide I have looked into several properties to date. And? as of this moment I am working a deal I found, as a result of a source from my coach, for four rental houses with multiple units in a local college area. I continue daily to search for good birddog deals locally.
I'm currantly working on funding for the rentals with my bank, and looking at other corperate credit options, and even other cash investors.
It's all new and nerve racking, but I know with Dean's help and the organization he has created I WILL Prevail...
write 50 things Ive accomplished in my life. This should be fun?
A journal is more for you than other people to read.The great thing is when your peers read it,They will make you or break you!Keeping a record of our action gives us a way...Too check ourself.
Invest in yourself!