Rina's journal prompted a new forum section where every member can start a journal to document your progress and get feedback on your activities and strategies from other members.
You can add to it as frequently or infrequently as you like, with as little or as much info you want to post.
By keeping a journal you will not only be able to reflect on your own progress in REI, you will be able to see things ideas or strategies that aren't panning out and should be modified, and focus on those that are.
You will also be able to get insight and perspectives from others in a light you may not have considered.
Anyone can start a journal here, from the prospective investor who just got interested to the most seasoned pro.
If you are new member, maybe start with the basics:
"Today I got Dean's book and have read through page X. So far, reassigns sound like the most interesting start due to the low risk and little capital needed."
Then add you go.
Keeping a journal will both instill discipline and continuous action to move forward, the two key ingredients that most people who give up never achieve.
We all look forward to following your progress, trials and triumphs!
PS: Thanks for setting this in motion Rina!
I started on the DG websites just a short time ago although I have been a member for a month now.
I have learned a lot getting familiar with the site and all its contributors. What a wealth of usable information.
One struggle I had been having and I can say there shall be no more...Finding buyers.
I have so much to do with that and so here goes...
Will update on my progress.
Until next time.....
Best Regards,
(Licensed Realtor-Military Vet-9/11Vet)
A self-directed realization for 2014 is to:
Live life as if always on vacation and have all the good health, time, & wealth to enjoy it.
Work, only when and IF desired. Helping others do the same. It Pay$ To Connect!
Always In Gratitude.....
I began reading Dean's 2nd book on 22 August 09. I am now completing the reading of his 1st book. Prior to completing the reading of Profit From Real Estate Right Now I completed two "Bird Dog Deals", where I simply located the property, assesed value of the property, did a 'comps" comparable for the area, estimated construction rehab cost, then bid on the property at auction, and last but not least turned the deal over to a investor whom I have had a relationship with for a period of time as his general contractor. I want to thank every member of the DG Family for participating at this site and I want to give a sprcial thanks to Rina, it was your post about making a short contribution each day to the site that encouraged me to start this journal.
Missed a lot of days. Very sick with some weird flu. Lost 3 1/2 weeks because of it. (the upside-lost 13 lbs!) Now I am back to the books. I am going to start forming my success team starting with agents, funding sources, and I already have plenty of handy men and contractors. My husband is in construction. When I get overwhelmed or insecure (yes, me) I just watch Dean's videos. Pumps me up. I am still working on that organization thing.
So glad to not be sick anymore,
mostly Karen
karen m parsons
Thank you for being the first person I have talked with in this site! Something to ad to my list of things to improve upon if I am to get anywhere in REI is to be more social and outgoing. I am not shy. My brain is just really, really busy!
Yes, I did enroll in the academy. I know zip about re. and I really cannot afford to make a costly mistake right now. I need all the help I can get! Thank you for your note. I feel more connected now. Thank you
karen m parsons
Please see my journal entry.
Hello family, Leslie here. I'm some what new to the family so I want to give you a little back ground. I became interested in RE a few years ago. I've ordered and have read several different books and courses. My biggest pitfall has always been procrastination, after I purchased the home that we live in I knew in my heart that I could do this but again I procrastinated. Now I've started looking at properties in my neighborhood and some others on my way to and from work. There are a lot of single family homes in my neighborhood that are foreclosures and have posted signs of cash offerings of 30 to 40K. After fix up I now the property would bring 3 to 4 times what the property was purchased for. I've seen the inside of a few and I would like to purchase but I'm still a little uncomfortable with locking up deals and were to find the needed funds for purchase and fix-up. I know that I can do this. At least that's what I keep telling myself. If anyone has a moment for a word of encouragement I could sure use some to help me stay on track.
Thanks family
Hi, my name is Lisa and I've never really kept a journal. This will be a first for me.
Many times we try and try but sometimes we feel there is no progress. Progress is a slow process and it should never be rushed. Knowledge is infinite, be a sponge absorb it, apply it and it becomes wisdom. Quitters never win and winners never quit. Stay positive and push for the best. Just about finished with the book Profit From Real Estate Right Now! Started my LLC. Found a couple of cash buyers. Now looking for good deals, and thats soon to come. Stay involved everyday and your business will grow! Show Appreciation for the smallest thing in your life and bigger thing will be add to you. Keep GOD first in all your adventures...
Buy, Sell, Rehabilitate, and Manage Properties...
Well I got Dean's books about a month ago and have read both. I am going to have to use the no money down plan until I can get some capital to work with. I found an ad for 5 houses in various states of completion and I am trying to start with that. I met someone els on the DG site and have struck up a freindship I hope. We are going to look at the places together and see if this is a fit for both of us. He has been involved with Dean's site for about a year so I hope that there are some things that he can teach me. I want this to be a successful venture for the both of us. Well that's all for today. This is just one more thing to keep me involved and not let the negative people around me get me down. I hope to post more soon.
J Doss
Flagstaff, AZ
There are a lot of things to be thankful for this year. I still haave a job and I have found a new passion. Real Estate I hope will take me into my retirement and hopefully give my wife and I something to do together. I am thankful that Dean has opened his heart and mind to try to help anyone that is willing to go for it. The site here is full of information and help for those who ask. I hope that everyone out there has a very happy Thanks giving and a very properous year a head.
J Doss
Flagstaff, AZ
Hi DG family, I found a property that I think I can profit from. It's a single family home. I've had an opportunity to view the inside and out. It's listed as a 2 bed, one bath but after seeing it the space upstairs could be turned into a 3rd bedroom. That would make it more appealing to more people I think. Not much serious repairs appear to be needed. I look forward to redoing the kitchen and bath, also I'm going to have to add a closet upstairs. The house is being offered for $23,900. Without knowing the comps I would say that the home should appraise for at least 60 to 70K as is. I'm going to go to an agent to have comps done and I need a title search. Then I will make an offer. I'm still a little unsure about which contract/strategy to use to lock up the deal. I would appreciate any assistance I could get. Thanks in advance.
PS. This property is being offered by an out of town Realtor who's representing an out of town Corporation. Will this make a difference?
PS. I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday.
Hey, to all the new folks! Good to have you here.

Reading of some of the struggles many are facing, I am glad you chose to join us on DG.com. If you stick around you will find all the support and encouragement you need right here in your DG Family. If you would like to keep a record of your REI, and have DGers cheer you on personally, please feel free to start a journal by clicking on "Member Journals" and then "New Forum Topic". Name it whatever you like, maybe bookmark it to help you find it easier when you return, and then have fun watching your progress. We'll be chiecking in on you too (if you want. lol) and everyone gains SO much from watching each other's experiences.
I wish everyone ALL the best, and MANY, MANY success stories in the DG Family this next year!!
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
Well today I'm working on a business plan because I want to keep focus I think about what Dean ash us to do, 10 thing about what cool about yourself, write your goal down, fixing your credit all of this was a business plan. So Dean I read thought the line or my passion for this business. when I look at a home, I see a family with kids playing in the yard. I have a property that I been looking at for months, I dream about that property so I know its time to get some backing to help me get that property. Because its my and I don't want to lost is because I do not go for it.
May each day get better
I got my my books last week and I have been mesmerized and have read them both from cover to cover. I am re-reading everyday so I get a better understanding and muster enough confidence to jump in and swim with the sharks. I bought the books because I am in the deep end on my home and need some serious self rescuing.
Long story short I had to move from california to virginia because of career. House in california has been for sale for over 14 months now! Prior to moving tried to rent it but that plan fell thorough. Then of course put it for sale and still for sale.. oops correction now its going to foreclosure. Nightmare continues I cannot pay for two places to live. So I had to make the choice of providing shelter and food for family at current location or try to pay for two places which I definately do not make that type of money to cover both expenses. Now I am stuck with no payments on first and second, back taxes on property and overdue HOA fees which results in a lien (suit). What a mess I have gotten myself into!!!!!!!
Home has a dropped in value by over 50% and cant sell it because bank takes too long or turns down for previous offers. Any suggestions clues guidance on how to get out from under this without losing both my arms and legs. I have considered bankruptcy but I stopped the process after I got Dean's books hoping that I can figure something out.
New update I was just notified by realtor that bank also denied approval because of overdue HOA fees. Instead of lack of financial paperwork. i am getting mixed messages from both ends. I have no idea what is the real truth. How do I tackle this mess. All advice is welcome.
Knowledge is Potential Power!
Just wanted to say Merry Christmas to everyone. I am truly bless to be a member of this website. One of my New Year resolutions is to get more involved with this and start taking action so I can complete my first deal. So I will like to thank Dean and the DGadmin, and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Peace Out!!!
Antoine Paden
Antoine Paden
Today was an exciting day. For the past month I have looked at 12 properties and I finally made my first offer based on my knowledge thus far. It is a REO, in very good condition. The home was built in 2004 and is a 3/2 with a two car garage. The development is in a very nice area of Brevard County. If they accept my offer I will jump for joy!
The training that I am receiving thus far is incredible. I am happy to have coaches available to me when I have a question. I used the trend software to help me come up with the offer.
Thanks again, Once accepted then I need to find a buyer!
Stephen Weiss
SW Real Investment Solutions
Stephen B Weiss Enterprises, LLC
Rina, I just wanted to let you know I appreciate all of your encouragement and support and from what I have seen there are a lot of blessed people benefiting from the DG Success Academy. I plan on becoming involved in The Success Academy on January 6th and look forward to becoming a successful REI.
I look forward to growing and helping others along the way. Thank you for being so transparent and caring.
God Bless,
Hello, DG Family. My name is Troy,and after reading dean's two book's. (and i continue to read them over an over) I feel some of the thing's that most of you probaly felt, that i could do this. So following dean's strategies,( by the way assignments are my direction) i'm on my way or should i say our way, because i realize that i'm not alone on this journey.I really feel that with all of your help and advice we will all be,and continue to be successful in this newyear!
I do not know where to start with this Journal.I have spent 20years military I know what it is like to start at the bottom and work your way to the top.I have 2years left before I retire. I have always been looking for way to supplement my retirement Where I control where and who I work for. I see no better way than being my own boss.
I welcome any advice and knowlege that anyone has to share. this like basic training where I am just getting started.
I had not wrote here in some time but I have a book I write in, my goal for this year is to work on building my list and finding a good Realtor. I join some REI club and real estate club. Yes REI club is different then real estate club. I have a website now I do blog I am taking little step and I feel good about what I'm doing at this time.
May each day get better
it took me just a bit of looking to find links to make your own journal section. I found the first portion, by looking at signed in members names and seeing sites they've participated in. From one of those seen Dean's "New forum: Start your journal here-read first" That they looked at. From there Rina was very helpful. she says go to "Post new forum topics". Then I see very helpful "LINK" from Anitarny. just click and go straight to it. But what if I can't find this story she commented in to get that link again? after sign into the site. On left hand top section. Is the "MEMBERS JOURNALS" the same thing? hoping to link easy to keep a journal of my progress. In the beginning of picking up momentum. Thanks; Layman T. Scott President of SCOTT HOUSING & RENTALS,LLC
With Rina and Anitarny's combined information now I see easy way to enter journal. At first was confused looking for Rina's "Investing Journal section" as when not doing Anitarny link to get straight to it,was hard to know where I needed to go. It is all clear an easy now. As soon as sign into Deans site. If you look top right area called: "Main Section" go to 5th one down called: "Members Journals" Click it. It takes you to a new page called: "Investing Journals" (just like Rina told us in her comments) Then you can think up a great subject line you will remember and find again easy that you will use to: "Post New Forum Topic". After that easy for you to click it each time you want to add to it, by filling out the comment section. Neat huh? While your there click on ALL others that catch your attention to read there journal. Then fill out and post comments and questions to them also. Now looks like a lot more people will be joining the forum topics this way. Even better. Looking forward to lots of comments and mostly any and all helpful advice to make smooth operation of my new investment business. Best Regard; Layman T. Scott President of SCOTT HOUSING & RENTALS,LLC
I hear these Giants ringing in my head everyday... but that is not going to stop me.
I was going to take a real estate course for 400.00 but will instead spend the money on Dean's Coaches.
Cant wait to start my Journal!
Life is not about the storm thats brewing, its about Dancing in the Rain!
Hi Im Lawrence,This my first posting to this journal. Ive been reading both of Dean's books for about the last two month's PFRERN and BAREM repectfully on pg's 135 and 153 I have been motivated by all that I have read on this site,and I feel so fortunate to be given this chance by Dean and the DG family. I have read so many great journals written by what I would say are some really great and caring people. So this is what I have done so far, Ive watched DG video blogs from 1 to 23 so I have afew to go.I am also going to watch all the fast track clips. Not only do I have a agent, Im married to one.She is licensed In the state in which we live ,PA. She thinks this might be a great opportunity for both of us, which means that I need to get busy quickly{: to keep her enthusiasm up and moving forward. So with all that said I am so greatfull to be a part of such a wonderful family and I will be reaching out and asking lots of questions.
Thanks for the time
Needing to Succeed in 2010
LM in PA.
SME Investment Properties LLC.
ch10 now complete
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
would love some early tips and ideas...thanks Len...from Ken..by the way, I live in Vegas
Hi all,
This is my first Journal posting.
> I purchased Dean's book in 11/15/2009
> Started the Success Academy Program 1/18/2010
> Finished my first three lessons 1/22/2010
It feels like I am back in school and reading like I've never read before! I have learned alot so far and am really, really excited. So much information to learn, however I know that I will be full of knowledge and ten times wealthier when I complete this program!
Free at last, free at last, thank GOD Almighty, I am free at last!
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.”
- Nelson Mandela