AAAA Future Vision

All About All States Investments

All States Investments's picture
All States Investments
Plymouth, WI
About Me: 

[email protected]
[email protected]

Tom and I have been together for 7 years. He has 6 children and 3 grandchildren and I had none (yeah tell me.. it was a shock to my system too!!) I enjoy doing the family things, soccer, basketball and camping. We updated out picture to one of our favorites from our trip to China when we visited the Great Wall. It is absolutely amazing what this business can do for you and your family

Topics I've Participated In

What Is Owner Financing Anitarny1248 years 10 weeks ago
CONTRACTS - Editable Anitarny738 years 28 weeks ago
New Forum: Start Your Journal Here - Read First dgadmin3759 years 25 weeks ago
The real estate agents that try to shatter your dreams Isaiah11110 years 16 weeks ago
Established LLC and Credit Anitarny13411 years 13 weeks ago

Basic Info

blissfully self-employed!!!
Completed College
In a Relationship

Sites I Visit


hey you guys

Anitarny's picture

so glad to see you here. I dropped your E.D.G.E badge in for you. Hope you like Call me so we can do some brainstorming sometimes

Hi Tom & Debby...

Dawn_Dean's picture

Rina told me you were from Wisonsin too. Wish I could have been at the event, maybe next year we can get a pic of all the WI members! Wer're in Portage...Good luck to you!


Yahoo finally

All States Investments's picture

Hey everyone.. we took the leap and made our first offer. It is a pre-foreclosure so we hope the bank accepts it. Trying to get lots of offers out before we leave for China Friday. I want to come back to some deals!!

Debby and Tom


All States Investments's picture

We will for sure give you a call. You are a wealth of knowledge. Would like to put something together with you.


Debby & Tom

busy week

All States Investments's picture

Hey everyone,

Well it has been another busy week. We put in 25 offers and 3 came back wanting written offers. Put in 2 more offers in today on distressed properties that need lots of work but feel good if we get them cause we found a great contractor that really wants to work with us. Will put in 2 more offers tomorrow. Somethings gotta give pretty soon. Is anyone seeing that they are missing out on deals because the market is picking up? I have lost out on 2 of my last deals by getting outbid.

Home page.

stephen1's picture

I attempted to link to your home page and couldn't. Please send me a PM.

Hey the second and third are coming together

All States Investments's picture

OK I know it's been a while but I've been busy. Got my second house almost rehabbed and ready to roll and I have been working on the note end of the biz (remember Talmadge talked on that) and also doing lots with seller financing. It is going to be the new wave of getting your real estate sold now!!!

Zippity do da zippity ahhh my oh my making money today!!!!

We have our 5th deal!!

All States Investments's picture

I am so excited. We are closing our 5th deal. We did 3 houses and now we are brokering 2 notes!! this is so cool we make a finders fee on the note and our investors make over 14% rate of return!!. I love this business!! I just wish we could find more investors cause we have more deals than we can handle. YEAHHHHHHH..... no more JOB for us... 2010 is going to be such a great year.. we have finally been pulling it all together and all the hard work is paying off

Seller Financing

All States Investments's picture

We have also been going gang busters on seller financing. I have had several meetings with realtors and they love the idea that I am a Seller Finance Specialist. It takes all the worry out of their clients doing owner finance. We are going crazy busy... I love it!!!

we got another

All States Investments's picture

been so busy forgot to post that we got another sale. With spring here I am so glad to not have to get up for a JOB every day!!! I sit by my computer and watch the birds hit my feeder.. life is grand

Holy Moly

All States Investments's picture

Ok This is crazy. We made another deal.. another $10K for us and 15.72 for our investor!!! I just can't believe it. I made more in the last 2 weeks that I did almost all last year!!. We really just got rolling this January cause Tom was finishing his masters. This is going to be a great year.....

Hello in DG land

All States Investments's picture

Well we just closed another deal!!. HOlY man this is fun!!

Dean is right - stay positive

All States Investments's picture

Hi everyone.
Wow did Dean hit the nail on the head this time!! When you are getting started in a business it is easy to get caught up in all the negative from the "you can't do this people" It is easier for them to tell you that you can't do it sometimes than to support you. Don't listen to them. You may have to dig deep inside sometimes but it will be worth it in the end.

New deals more investors

All States Investments's picture

Wow we can't believe how blessed we are. Not only in finding our DG family but in being able to do the things we have always wanted. Because we are self employed our time is ours to deal with. Got a last minute call that tomorrow is grandparents day and guess what.. I don't have to ask anyones permission to be there!! That's what Deans program has done for us. Gotta love.


Looking for Investors

Hi Guys,

I recently came accross an opportunity to invest in real estate and receive a return of 12% on your money and recieve profit sharing as well.

The minimum buy in is $1,000. If your looking for somewhere to move your money that is sitting stagnat in mutual funds or certificates of deposit, contact me an I will forward additional information and details to you.

Wow what a way to start the week

All States Investments's picture

WOW. We just put in an offer on some condos in Florida. The best part is we didn't use one dime of our own money. They offer was over $1Million dollars. Who would have thought that you could make an offer like that using other peoples money. And the best part is it is a real win win. We make money and the investor makes money. Real Estate is great

Seller Financing

Can you tell me more?


hgladwin032255's picture