This week Dean has a great message to share to kill it when learning anything new...
But HELLO!! Even more exciting is that his "DG Family" YOU, in other words get his BRAND NEW book "Dean Graziosi's Student Secrets Revealed" for FREE.
No catch, no shipping. Just FREE
One Step At a Time
You're right Dean. For me I would always get overwhelmed by so much information. Information Overload!!! Worse yet I would try too many things at once (shotgun approach) rather than focus on one item at a time. Someone once said, "If you chase 2 rabbits, you'll catch none". Dean I haven't closed my first deal yet, but I will very soon. I started after I read my first book (DG) 2010. Then I reviewed a per-foreclosure list. Come to find out that the parents of a girl on my son's coed soccer team were going through foreclosure. With fear, not knowing exactly what to say, I went over to visit them. I stumbled to find the right words. They denied going through foreclosure and stated there was confusion as to the correct payment address. Amazingly, that family moved out of that house about 6 months later. If I had taken my few moments of effort over the last 3 years and compressed them into a 30-60 day Blitz, I would have more than closed my first deal and accomplished my desires. I know it's up to me.
Dean, Thank you so much for caring.
I learned something new......
Hi Dean,
Another great tool for us to use. Thank you again for helping us to keep moving forward!!!
I actually saw the picture of the new book up on the right the other day and clicked on the link. I am already a Centurion platinum member of the IE group so I was about to click away when I heard the offer was about becoming an IE member. But, I thought, maybe there was something on the IE site I may have missed or wasn't aware of so I stayed for the whole presentation and boy was I glad I did. There were some things I had forgotten I had available to me. PLUS, I got to post my feelings about the IE site after the presentation. (You know me, I like to type
So now I will be looking forward to getting this book so that my traveling partner for the trip to the EDGE can read it to me while I drive us to AZ. Woo Hoo!!!!
Lastly, I know this isn't the place for this but I have tried customer support twice and have not gotten this resolved and I need it resolved. Apparently, my account has been altered by a computer setting and it has been changed to a newcomer's level and not my Platinum level. As such, I have been unable to get to the things I use the most ( i.e My life coach, archived chats and the library.) I've offered possible solutions to "trick" the computer back to knowing I am an old member but the response is "It's a matter for the higher ups." It's not a money issue as I am on an auto payment plan with a credit card. It is internal to your billing department I have been told. So anything you can do to get this resolved will be greatly appreciated. My fish will be a happy fish once again once this is resolved.
I can't wait to see you and all my DG friends again at the EDGE!!! It can't come soon enough!!!
Till next time.
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
Edge 2013 Alumni
Update 3/28/14: My fish is happy again.
My account has been fixed and I am rolling forward again. Jeremy's the best. Make sure you keep him on staff 
Thanks Dean
Thanks Dean for more of that great weekly wisdom. Thanks for the free new book.
You know Dean Veronica and I were out for a drive Sunday afternoon and on the radio on comes all of these ads for how to learn to flip houses in your town. All from shows like flip this town or flip that town from different TV flip shows. I have to say we have been to a lot of REI seminars and Dean I can say with out question Dean Graziosi REI training is the BEST hands down. There is no one out there so called teaching REI that really know more about REI than you Dean.
Thanks Dean for all you do for your students.
Steve and Veronica
Overwhelmed by Information
I believe we are all inundated with so much information that we are paralyzed at the first initial forward step toward success.
We don't want to make a mistake and we care what other people will think when we do make a mistake. I wonder; are those naysayers going to pay your bills? Probably not.
It takes courage to step out and make those changes. I / we need to be proud of our choices to strive for success.
page does not come up to order book
I tried to get the free copy of your new book. the page to leave my name and E-mail address only partially shows up and you can't move it to enter your name and e-mail address. Please fix so we can get your book Thank you Kolby
Free book
When you enter your name and email the book is automaticlly emailed to you:)
Enjoy.. It's a fun one for sure:)
New Book
Thanks Dean to making this wisdom available to all of us
Dear Dean, Thanks so much for the free offer. Your tools are also so helpful in everyone's
motivation to push ourselves. Thanks Again,
hey dude
Awesome stuff as always, giving us some great tools to make it happen, im getting stronger every day believing i can do this, have 1 deal in escrow set to close april 15th n stand to make $12,500 or more, n making more offers today in kc n so cal & see u at the edge n vip
Always learning
Hi Dean, I just want you to know what a difference this has been in my life. I have worked for investors, I have been an accountant for over 15 years, I was a property manager along with accounting and working for investors, but for the first time in my life, I am not working for the investors, I am one. I sold another deal just yesterday and it all started with you book. To many people and to me it was a bit overwhelming but you will get past that and I am always wanting to learn something. I used to be a know it all, but haha, that has changed, I went out of my comfort zone and making it happen now. Thank you so much for help guiding me.
Tina Scott
I have now received my copy via
facebook. Thank you Dean!
Hi Dean,
How can I get the form that you showed on today's video. I've looked all over the site but can't find it.
Thanks Dean!
Best regards,
Thank you - especially today.
You have re-ignited the fire that I need to go forward. My deepest gratitude.
Great stuff
as usual Dean! I've downloaded the Student's Secrets book and will definitely check it out.
Thanks Dean!
- John
great blog
Dean Thanks so much for the blog today. I am going to Download new book, Carol in Texas
Thanks Dean :)
Not sure why I had problems with the book download from this site but like Tammy, I entered my info through facebook and it came right away. You may want to have you IT team check it out.
I was going to wait to read it on my trip but I'm pretty sure I won't be able to wait that long. LOL Hopefully my IE account will get fixed so I can download some audio versions of your books to listen to instead.
Till next time,
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
FREE better than cheap
That's what I told. Any way Dean, the IE site is totally, totally worth the education and knowledge. But my membership expired faster than I could do a deal. But I do want the books with a promise "I will be back". I am sure the others miss me too much not to. LOL. Right Andy, Andrea, Dan, Ty, Sharon, Cindy, Adamina ,,,,.....LOL Chricher
Wow, another DG book!!!
Hi Dean,
I can't believe you finished your new book! I can't wait to get it, read it, and take action!
Love the tool you're giving us too; I think this will be great to use at the Edge event, which is just round the corner... so excited to see everyone there again!
As always, your Weekly is full of awesome information! Thank you!
Thank You So Much for the Free Books!
I am so excited as I am digging into your new "30 Days to Real Estate Cash" I just got from you today! This post is part of my day 1-5 homework! I am looking forward to the video that came with my free download, but I am reading this 1st!
I do have a question for you Dean. A RE. Broker friend of mine wants me to get my re agent license. I know it is not necessary to have a license to do what you teach. Would being a licensed agent make it more difficult or easier to do wholesalng? I want to be in control of my Life and Live it according to my desires and not anyone else's, and be surrounded by like-minded positive people!
Thank you sooooo much for all you do to help those of us who want to do this!
You are AWESOME Dean!
Thank you for your new book. I look forward to reading it and getting some great ideas from it.
But what I REALLY want to thank you for, is your
Speaker's Notes page. I made one for Book Notes also. This is the BEST! I read so many books and what happens is, all the highlighting runs together and nothing stands out anymore. Then you have to go back and try to find the information. This is great because you can fill it out as you're reading the book. And I love the idea of putting them in a binder. I had a V8 moment as you were explaining it.(Why didn't I think of that?)
Thanks for another tool to put in my Real Estate toolbox! You're the best!
Make it a fantastic day!
Hey Dean!
Awesome new book! I got it Sunday night and have started reading through it the last couple days. I like the format and how you add to the secrets and comment on them. There are some GREAT SECRETS in there!
Thanks for the worksheet too! This is perfect for REI club meetings and of course the EDGE! Lisa and I can't wait to get back to the EDGE this year and see everyone! We are taking it to another level in 2014 and are very excited to keep moving forward!
Make it a great week!
Still learning everything
Thanks Dean still trying to make my first deal will try to use the remote viewing writhing way and date and time it will Happen
Get Dean's brand new book "Students' Secrets Revealed" for FREE
Hi Dean,
Another great weekly wisdom.......also another good assigment for your DG family to work on.....
It helps to write things down on that we may see what areas need to be worked on, and than take action and do it....Thank You Dean........
Great book Dean !!
Your book on students secrets is way over the top !! Especially for FREE !!! WOW who else gives so much ?????? Truly you over deliver !!!
Jay t from ny
Hi Dean,
How/where do we get the form you showed in your video?
comments to blog 281
hi; Dean
I enjoyed this week's blog very much on priorities and setting goals
Things are beginning to click,I've got a good RE agent,she;s gotten me a number of names' got a officer, I'm driving neighborhoods'etc.
No doubt some big things are about ready to happen.
Dean, keep doing the great work you are doing. Thanks for the great new book.
Time Management
Hey Dean: Great Tool!! I have been sooo overwhelmed some days in my journey towards achieving small successes along the way / meeting my goals
Have an Awesome end of Week Debbie : ---)))
Seriously, I've asked the same question twice. Does anyone from DG reply to questions???
itunes link
Hey Dean
Just a note... the itunes link sent out this morning to become a follower on itunes failed. Might want to look into that,and Thank You my friend for all that you tirelessly do for us, w/o fail.
God Bless you & yours
Thank You
I downloaded and copied the free book. Thank you.