Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #213 - The Power of Now

Do you ever look at Dean or others on this site and suddenly start feeling bad about yourself? Do you get stuck in reliving the painful choices of your past? Do you start walking down the mental road where you experience self-doubt and second guess your choices?

Well...if you do, you're in good company. See why in this video and discover a surprising truth that will change all that for you, if, you let it.

Spiraling out

Yeah Dean,This is Mike again,I know it has been awhile since you have heard from me. Believe me I do check out the blogs every week and find them very helpful and encouraging.Spiraling out really got me between the eyes because yesterday I was just stuck in neutral,had the blues most of the day.You were right about all you said about the things in the past getting us into who we are and how grateful we ought to be for we have and the difference we can make for ourselves and others.


On the Mark

tkmolter's picture

Just a reminder that you had your challenges too.
THanks for powering through them, encouraging us to not give up and help show us the light at the end of a tunnel.

THanks Dean

Dean, Your weekly blog is


Your weekly blog is almost if not prophetic...what I mean is, I feel like things are caving right now, I have been thinking of my situation single mom, trying to raise 5 children by myself and working hard to keep a positive attitude when every day I feel like I am attacked by negative. I have had every intention of trying to my first wholesale deal, and because of all this going on in my life, I feel petrified to do it alone. Your site is my homepage, because despite how I feel, it helps me in some way.. I guess you can say it has kept me "mentally" motivated...BUT, I want to be a success like I see so many are, on this site.. I too, think back, both my parents are gone, I lost them early (in my 20's), so I too, can drift back in time and feel bummed, and even today, in my current situation, allow that to bring me down, but after hearing you on this weekly blog, it makes me realize not to focus on the past and future, but live the present. Thank you for all your posts..they really do make a difference.

Reality Check

I relive the past from time to time, but I am working on changing my mindset and gaining knowledge in Real Estate.
I just ordered the book The Power of Now, will read it hopefully within the week (Plus a book of yours).
For financial reasons I shut off my TV over six months ago, I really do not miss it that much. I have more time to focus on what I need to accomplish to become a RE Investor. I will miss the benefit concert for the Hurricane Sandy victims, but hopefully I can access it thru the internet.
I like many have made mistakes in the past and lived through some experiences that were very difficult, but as the saying goes live and learn I had no choice, but move on with my life
I hope your step-father is well, I'm glad you could help him by cutting a check for the expenses (Your mother for sure appreciates you even if she does not like you airing the families dirty laundry).
Thank you for helping the victims of hurricane Sandy, having Carol Stinson deliver the check from you, the book of comments/prays to the pastor (That was very thoughtful of you).
Take care, thank you for the reality check of the fact we are all human.
Happy Holidays to You and Your Family! Your 'Gram' grandmother is watching over you from above along with God. Cathy


Just want to say merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year, Yes; there is a reason why you were sent down to earth and that is to educate. God bless more.


kareng's picture

Maybe it is just this time of year making so many of us feel this way.

I have been in a major funk for the last few weeks. I am normally a very positive person and even have training as a professional coach, so I know what I should do to get out of it, but have just not had the self drive to make myself do it.

The motivation is returning and I WILL work through it. I will NEVER quit but sometimes I just have to roll with what is thrown my way until I can kick it to the curb. Just gotta get my kicka$$ shoes polished up and ready to go again!

Love this family and our leader who is not afraid to show that he is 'human' just like the rest of us!

2013 is gonna ROCK! And we are gonna do the rockin'!


Thank you :)

Courtney's picture

I am happy and positive just about all the time, but occasionally I have the same thing happen, I get in a funk and then the doubt creeps in. It is crazy how I can be so confident one day and the next I am doubting my ARVs and Repair Estimates, wondering if it is really a good deal. And scared to call my buyers which is rediculous because I have closed 10 deals.

When that happens I either watch you or my other personal development cds to get my mind right. I keep telling myself to trust in my numbers and trust in myself and the awesome training I received from you. I always seem to snap myself out of it. I have to because if I am not confident when I call my buyers, I won't close the deal LOL! Confidence is Everything!!

Anyway, it is really good to hear that even you get in a funk once in a while. Thank you again for your insight!!


Hi Dean, I can relate too,I

Hi Dean, I can relate too,I was feel this way on Monday. Feeling sorry for my self because I have not done my first deal yet. We are at the end of the year and it just seem like nothing has happen for me. I know that is not true. I have so much to be thankful for. God Bless.


Overdelivered again

Magarahan's picture


Thanks for opening up to us your own inner struggles. As usual you overdeliver, this time by showing us that even you have those moments wasted in the what ifs of the past. Then you turn lemons into lemonade with the fact that if the bad things had not happened you might not be where you are today.

Great stuff, Dean.
Thank you for all you offer us.
You are truly a Godsend.
Mike & Mary


The Power of Now!!!!!!

Thank you for the reminder of the power of now -

Your messages are always inspiring and renewable.

May you always be blessed!

One thing that seperates you

RD2Invest1980's picture

One thing that seperates you from all the others out there is that you are always honest and transparent with us Dean. People today are tired of the fake, they(and I) want someone who will be real and honest with us, and you my friend definitely are honest with us, which is why I believe you have so many followers. You can relate to us and we can relate to you! But yes we can't forget about the power of the now. Too many people are either so focused on the past or so focused on the future that they forget to enjoy the now and live in the now. They fail to realize living in the now will help you forget the past, but as you live in the now you can't help but have a bright future!

The Power of NOW

Thanks for sharing and encouraging others. When I should be preparing for a comfortable retirement, I find myself making plans to get through the month. BUT I am grateful for the lessons I've learned and the many opportunities I have to forgive. I choose to move forward and not be shackled by mistakes from the past. Is that possible in this economy? You bet it is! That's why I'm here.

Remember why now !

bigdogs1's picture

Thanks Dean for your weekly wisdom. I have been involved and always learning how to get going with my first deal. 4 months ago I took action and went out and looked at a property and tried to negotiate a deal with a seller. The deal did not happen but it sure felt good being out there taking action. I told myself what did I do wrong and what should I do to improve my skills. I have had two family members pass away in the last 3 months and I kind of drifted away from taking more action. Those family members passing away reinforced that life is to short and brought me back to reality of remembering why I started getting into Real estate.

Power of Now

Hi Dean,
Great weekly wisdom... your video are always inspiring and motivating. Keep sending it to us. We are listening. God Bless!

Feed Back You Ask For

Hi Dean,

I watch all you weekly wisdom video's, that is saying something because with my internet service, it takes me 12 to 15 minutes to watch a 5 minute video. Smiling

You ask my opinion about your weekly messages, so here is my answer, I think it is super that you do them for the new investors especially, .. but I'm not new and don't need motivation but I really like your mini lessons such as the one recently about Bank Hunting FMV lenders and where real estate is right now in terms of moving from the bottom and working it's way upward and what we should know about it. I hope this helps, you go above and beyond every day. Thanks for caring about people.


Ups and downs

HomeRoots's picture

Man I love you. And one of the reasons why is because you are willing to share your ups and downs with us. So relieved to hear that you also still struggle with some "villains" every now and then. It makes you real, it makes us feel that you are just like us. And the reason why you are where you are now, is because you simply never gave up! You always climb back on.
Having said that, if the sun were up always, we would not appreciate the dark. The sun is great, but we also need to appreciate the rain. Both are needed. As long as we don't: 1) take the sun for granted 2) know how to appreciate the rain.
I think it was Oprah Winfrey who said, that so many people live and waste their lives wishing for a better past. They are stuck in the past, and it keeps them from moving forward. If we can accept the mistakes we made in the past, learn from them, and move on - we are on our true path. I think we will also make some mistakes in the future. And being a little concerned about that to me is a sign of maturity. It will help us make better choices.
Love, love, love your wisdoms, your strength, your vulnerability. Keep them coming!

Great Wisdom

Thanks for the reminder. I think we all fall into a funk sometimes when something we think of reminds us of the parts of our past that weren't so pleasant. It's going to keep happening, but, like you said, you have to pull yourself out of it as soon as possible. Feeling bad about the past isn't productive.

Moving forward !

dglloyd's picture

Thanks Dean for being so "real" ! Good to know that we ALL have to fight off the villian continually ! Even small, steady steps move us forward--we all have something inside that is much STRONGER than the villian !

Couldn't agree more !

dglloyd's picture

Thanks for your comment- love your energy and insights ! Smiling

The Past and the Present and How They Connect to Now

LTrautman's picture

This could not of been a more timely video. It is nice to know that you are human to and if you of all people can pull yourself out of feeling down so could I. Thanks Dean. This helped alot Monday. A real lot. I have now got back on the horse and am moving forward in Life and reaching for my goals.

We all experience the same things

LTrautman's picture

Loved the video. Thanks so much. Nice to know I am not alone. Just picked myself up and got back on the road to life to continue to reach my goals.

The Power of Now

Dean,I am one who has already read the Power of Now but watching this weeks video reminded me of the things I learned from the reading and how I applied them to my own life.I think you should encourage people to read it often because there's something good in it for everyone. Thanks!


ajcaroline's picture

Hello Dean, I am new to your site and with everything that I learned from your book, I am already calling myself a Real Estate Investor Laughing out loud! Me and my husband are newly married, I am a full time college student and we don''t have a lot. But I'm doing all I can to get our first deal done. Our credit is not that great either, and I'm trying everything I learned, if one strategy is not working I'm already moving on to the next.
I realize like everyone here on this site, the beginning is difficult, but I have faith in God and my strength and wisdom to succeed in this comes from him.
Thank you for all the inspiring stories you've shared about your students, they go a long way and I use them when I feel that gloomy cloud about to set in over my head.
I look forward to telling you about my first deal and all the other many deals to come!
God bless you and your family Dean Smiling!

Perfect Timing!

Usually I am very positive and upbeat but it has been a tough week emotionally. With the holidays, I started thinking about my mother (who had a stroke and lives 8.5 hrs away), "iffy" personal relationships, what was and the "if only". Your video reminded me to kick myself out of the past, as it is not changeable, and focus on what needs to be done now, in the present, in order to move forward. Thank you again for the inspiration!

So True!

Carol Stinson's picture

Our past makes us who we are today!
I too look back on my past now and again and yea it was rough, but my past got me to where I am today and I am sooo grateful!

Great video Dean! Thanks for being so transparent and sharing your feelings Smiling

Funky Town

You know, it's OK to visit the past and get in a funk about it now and then. In fact I think it can be good and cathartic. Just don't stay there for very long.
The past doesn't exist any more, at least in our reality. Enjoy the blast from the past, remember the lessons learned from the failures and successes and use them to improve your future.
Later DG crew,

Perfect timing, Dean

seagarden's picture

Thank you for the reminder. In the face of past ridicule and painful misjudgment of me, I'm determined to protect the new freedom and joy of my now. Hopefully I can do it with wisdom, courage, forgiveness, and ability to let go. A tall order.

You opened the door to write comments, so here are some not so idle thoughts on the subject of letting go and the power of now.

It's not always our own past mistakes, but the mistakes of others, that haunt us. How does one deal with another's conscious, deliberate lies or negative, inaccurate judgment, or flagrant predation on another's vulnerabilities, or destructive infidelity, or so many other offenses against the grand and beautiful design that would be peace and love?

We swallow our pain and anger, we say our prayers for the strength to truly forgive and let go, we contort our very souls to accommodate the wrongness of it all, we cover it all up as though nothing has happened, we smile and pretend everything is ok when it isn't, we seek beauty and truth where there is none, we get cancer and heart attacks and arthritis and all kinds of other maladies and injuries, all because of the stress we experience letting injustice win and allowing lies to perpetuate. To fight the injustice and lies causes just as much pain, if not more. So we sit and wonder why our nation's systems don't work for us, why our nation's people are increasingly sick, obese, addicted, dysfunctional, abusive, and negative.

We all are human, we all make mistakes, sometimes big ones, and need forgiveness - of ourselves as well as each other. Forgiveness requires apology, and even, where possible, restitution, to be complete. I hope that now, during this holiday season, people will look at themselves to see where it's necessary for them to apologize to someone (including themselves), and then do it, and see what happens by way of forgiveness.

May everyone's holiday be happier and healthier than they expected! Smiling Use the power of now.

I was there last week

john.hervan's picture

Thanks Dean, I was there last week and when I got there I thought about how everything that I strived for was gone when I arrived. (the story is too long) but I realized that God has given me opportunities and has directed my steps so that I am right in the spot I am supposed to be in right now. I write a gratitude list every morning and have my why in my wallet. When I think I fail way too much I remember that Thomas Edison failed more than a thousand times trying to invent the lightbulb. I know that if I stop trying that is the last time I will fail. Thanks for your videos and all that you help us seniors remember.

You're weekly message

First off this is my first post i am currently enrolled in your advanced training as a diamond package student. The 3 day peview training with Bryan in Houston, TX was awesome kudos to him. Now to your weekly message, this whole experience has changed mine and my wife's outlook on things. We are now thinking abundantly and without limitations. I am working on my buyers list and am attending a REI club later tonight to try and pick some some good investors. Your weekly lessons and video's are inspirational as well as educational. They help me to steel myself for the chalenge i have placed ahead of myself. I am reading Your Town Your Real Estate Profits and it is awesome and i learn something from each story and testimonial i read. Our Family Goal is to un-employ my wife by May 2013 so she can spend her time with our children and volunteering at the church. By Dec. 2013 I plan to be able to quit my day job and devote my time to my families financial freedom and my family itself. So please continue your weekly videos whether they be about how to do things or about how we can keep our head up and drive on towards our goals i think they are a great source of both inspiration and continueing education which i am sure all of your DG family use and enjoy.

just the same.

Mighty1 Real Estate's picture

I have the same problem from time to time. I begin to get depressed, but it happens to me because I feel I'm not moving fast enough to make my first deal. Being a part of the IE has made an incredible difference. If it wasn't available I'm sure I would not be able to feel hope for the future. So again, thank you Dean for coming up with these crazy ideas on how to help people become successful, (the IE). Having the life coaching has also improved my outlook and given me more confidence and a feeling that it can be done, that it is possible for me and my family to get out of the poor house and stop living paycheck to paycheck. You continue to be a blessing for thousands of people, but especially for me. I will always pray for you, your family and your health. A sincere thank you.

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