I started my business Eagle Eye Ventures, LLC on March 6th, 2011 right after completing one of Dean's 3 day seminars. I was determined to close my first deal in 3 months, however it ended up taking 9 months. But I would never change that because I learned so much in those 9 months it was unreal. I joined the Success Academy right after I started my business and they have helped me through everything and I highly recommend joining if you are not already a member. I have closed 4 deals so far and I am set to close on my fifth deal on March 6th 2012 and make my biggest return so far!!
I am learning and meeting more people everyday and loving every minute of it!! I look forward to meeting Dean in person and being able to help many people start their Real Estate Investing careers!!
I know all things are possible, and with Dean's help I am achieving my dreams!!
welcome courtney !!
Great to see u on dg.com! ! You will find this site to be the best real estate site on earth!! Like minded people wanting you to succeed as much as u want it yourself.start a journal TODAY and watch yourself expand your mind to unlimited potential.good luck with all your deals.