Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #213 - The Power of Now

Do you ever look at Dean or others on this site and suddenly start feeling bad about yourself? Do you get stuck in reliving the painful choices of your past? Do you start walking down the mental road where you experience self-doubt and second guess your choices?

Well...if you do, you're in good company. See why in this video and discover a surprising truth that will change all that for you, if, you let it.


markriese's picture

Dean, I love the Insiders Elite program, the coaching, the connections of next-level investors is awesome... this weekly wisdom reminds me of something you've said that has stuck with me, that you want to just nudge our direction just a little bit at a time, because over time, where you end up will be COMPLETELY different and SO MUCH better... and that if you do one thing every day for real estate, something WILL HAPPEN.
I can't wait to meet at Edge 2013!
Thank you SO MUCH for your encouraging words and reminder that we are all human and struggle with these things, even you! Eye-wink
Blessings and Merry Christmas...
Mark Smiling

William Delorme

Flip2012's picture

Dean I can relate to that villein in you and I know that sympathy does not pay the bills I was in a accident when I was a taxi driver hit from behind and I can tell you that change the way I was thinking so I like all of your courses but the only thing is I live in Canada and a lot of web sites you offer does not work in Canada the one's I have are from a seminar in Ottawa on Bank Notes and the other's are from your Elite Member program so you see that I like the membership but I must make money outside of work and where I am working in the Recovery Business recyclables a dirty job. I could be dead but I am learning that working for someone else is just survival. Love to socialize but it will require more that thirty days because I have Collage Diploma in the Information Technology I have Computer Skills and want to use it for myself to create a Dream team. I can go on on but I do know helping others you leverage yourself and sharing will help others obtain a better tomorrow


dtupak's picture

Yes Dean also is going thru all the mental struggles and doubts of every day, he just knows how to bounce back off it.

Everybody please appreciate life and know that you have a special place here on this planet!!

Thank you for sharing and

bahney's picture

Thank you for sharing and caring. The pain from the past hurts and we have to overcome it and live in the NOW!

Thank you!

Dear Dean!

I'd like to thank you for including me into your real estate investors community, and for sending me this first wisdom message.

I'm just starting this journey, and very excited about it. My first workshop is coming up.

I very much believe in your leadership, as you are my ROLE MODEL from now on.

Personally, I've never been down in my life before now. The past 3 years have been just too difficult. I'm sorry, Dean, you went through some difficulties earlier in your life. But you came out of it stronger than ever!! In my case it's the opposit.

Sure your weekly wisdom will be very helpful to me.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon, and thank you again!

I'm your big fan!

weekly wisdom 213

Thank you so much Dean! I felt such a connection to this weekly wisdom, I too was in a funk and re-living the past so much so that I just told my friend I didnt even want to get out of bed. I had started a non-profit for homeless and foster youth aging out of the foster care system and I had went into providing housing. I partnered up with some individuals and it turned out all bad because their interest was the money that could be made off the young people instead impacting lives for the life long change by creating environments that provided care,love and the teaching of life skills for the young individuals to grow into positive and self sufficient adults. I began to think about the experience and how much time had been waisted, where the organization could have been and all the decisions that I had made, the trust I placed in these people, where my life is, where it could have been and so many more negative and sad things. SO THANK YOU FOR BEING SO SINCERE AND HONEST AND WONDERFUL! I watch this weekly wisdom and understood that it is ok to be caring and loving and to show it. I swell up with so many emotions realizing that I am not the only one. I am so grateful to have the weekly wisdoms,and all the other tools to keep improving myself not only to be a blessing for my house but to others. Knowing that is alright no matter what nay sayer say or do. The encouragement from this site is priceless. Thank you for helping me out of my funk this week.


Living in the now- really, it is a disciplin of mind and thinking. Thank you for sharing and bringing it to my attention again. A great principle from the Words of God. 'Now' unto Him(God) that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think. Just like you said, it's not the past or the future but this day or moment is when we 'can' do something -build RE business or whatever's part of our dream. Lets all have an Ephesians 3:20 day (tomorrow) -sense of humor coming out -heehee. 9:49 pm


opturner's picture

Thank you Dean.
Sometimes you are the only postive encouragement I get during the week, especially when I may be feeling down on myself. You keep doing what your doing, and I'll Persist Until I Succeed.
Thanks again Dean.


rslaughter84's picture

Dean I thank God for allowing you to become a well respected man who's teaching the world about letting the past go, TAKE ACTION, forget the negative people, and do what our hearts desire, thank you for being honest with us at all times I pray The Lord cotinue to keep you, your family and the DG family safe and sound, again thank you I look forward to meeting you someday.

GO DG FAMILY GO!!!!!!!!!

Staying in the Now!


Enjoy your Weekly Wisdoms! Please don't stop as they are always inspiring, motivational and helpful in staying focused on what's important. Keep up the good work because the Weekly Wisdoms are beneficial in keeping a right mindset.

Thank you!

Solid foundation

You got me good this week, Dean. My past mistakes go pretty deep (and far back) too. I'm always going to have those memories to haunt me too, but I'm actually grateful for my past these days. To know that not only did I survive that dark time, but have grown and moved to this point - makes me strong, gives me confidence and purpose, and hope. I hope most of all that my sons exceed me, and become great men, and I feel that they will. Thanks Dean, you'll be hearing from me again! -Tom

Obstacles Obstacles Obstacles

Success2013's picture

Hello Dean

We are new to your program and are linked to a great instructor. It is very hard to beleive and ignore the interferences, but every week it becomes a tiny bit easier with the instructions that we are given. Still confusing and initimidating. We can only hope for the best and work towards simple but attainable goals. I want to also specify that the best phone seminar that we listened to is the one from Matt Walton - the mindset of real estate investor. It is so clear and realistic. It talks about failure, a bit contradictory from the encouragement that you try to give us. The winners have failed so many times in their lives but it only takes one time to make a difference. I recommend it to everyone.


Elke and Juan Carlos's picture

I can honestly say that your weekly wisdoms
are what I need every week to give me energy
And courage to keep going. This one made me
realize that I need to stop regretting the past and move
Forward. Thank you for taking the time to
reach all of us through your weekly videos.
I appreciate your sincerity and transparency.

Inspired to get mother off streets Totally fulfilled

Dear Mr,Graziosi:
I'm a 17 year old attending high school in Orange County, Some dramatic things have happened in my life recently. My parents split up and My Mother has no where to live.It is my endeavor to get her off the street ad buy her a house before something terrible happens. I work a part time minimum wage job and Develop smartphone app's. My life mission is to get into real estate one day so I can help people. I have no college fund or money saved however i'm DEVOTING every second of my life to learning and improving my self in order to one day have a good life. I'm introverted I understand to be a business man you have to be outgoing that's why I love your demeanor Dean. Thanks for the inspiration and encouragement time for me to create my own reality and to evolve each second into a better person. Thanks for being a mentor Dean when I make it big one day I hope we can meet until then take care and keep granting you wisdom.

GMail reply and Weekly Wisdom Support

QuirkyQuail's picture

Hi Dean,
I am responding to your request about my gmail account ( I am one who DOES get your emails!), but I also want to comment on what you said in this week's weekly wisdom.
I met you in Las Vegas in November, and kept it brief but said, "Thank you for being a Giver". I really meant that; being giving is very important and a quality I respect in others. What you choose to do through DG Enterprises helps so many people, and you don't have to do that.
I appreciate so much that you speak from the heart and take risks with us by making yourself vulnerable in your honest personal stories and confessions. Many of us could easily assume you are super-human and don't face your "villain" the way we do, so when you report on such an experience, and how you were going through old photos and experiencing regret for past decisions, etc.? Wow, that is so real to me, and something I have done in my past. I am 47 years old now, and am now divorced, but I learned from all of those choices. I am an eldest child now helping my aging parents fight cancer and dementia and one of my siblings through a divorce he doesn't want. We all go through tough times, and I feel so grateful for the experiences and mistakes I have made that have made me able to help them: I now have better self-awareness, I can say "I'm sorry", I am more compassionate, and I have become a better listener.
I have a job I love but unfortunately it doesn't pay well. I accept that it is up to me to find a solution to make it work, and that is when I took the chance on you and your program! My passion is working with the children and giving them a magical experience with the arts; my success in real estate investing is going to allow me to keep doing what I love, which also improves the lives of hundreds of children every year. That is the impact you have, Dean! Yes, I have to do the work, but I have had very few mentors in my life and have a hard time with trust, so kudos to you for putting yourself out there for us. You earn my respect and trust just for that alone. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Take care of yourself, have a wonderful Christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate, and know that you are appreciated and important. You are worthy, you ARE enough, and you make a huge difference in the world.
Here's to you, DG!

the power of now

Hi Dean
You know one thing that attract me to you and your program is the fact that you are you. You mightI say of course I am me. I go futher to say that you are a human being like me and you share it just like it is.
I want to thank you for the opportunity to get in real estate "Right Now" As fairly new Immigrant to the United State, I did not know anything about you until I receiced a flyer from you and went to the presentation and I am glad I did.
Thank for making a difference.

the power of now

Hi Dean
You know one thing that attract me to you and your program is the fact that you are you. You mightI say of course I am me. I go futher to say that you are a human being like me and you share it just like it is.
I want to thank you for the opportunity to get in real estate "Right Now" As fairly new Immigrant to the United State, I did not know anything about you until I receiced a flyer from you and went to the presentation and I am glad I did.
Thank for making a difference.

Per your email request, here is my post...

BillWLV's picture

I certainly believe that the "stuff" you chose to talk about each week is perfect. Talking about what is going on in your life, the obstacles that get in your way and how you deal with them, is truly an inspiration to us all.

So, in my opinion, If it ain't broke... don't fix it Sir.

Thank You Dean

Thank you for the weekly wisdom. May God increase your knowledge and wisdom.You are such a great gift.

You nailed it again!

You seem to be connected to my life somehow.
Your weekly wisdoms hit something I'm experiencing practically every time. I just attended the 3 day seminar and was down because I couldn't afford to move on to advanced classes. It brought back feelings of insecurity, negativity, failure, etc. Then I got a call from your Inner Circle and just like that I snapped out of it and I'm heading back on track. I feel the hope again.
I'm going to make this work and fight the villain all the way.
This is awesome inspiring content - keep it coming!

stop the naysayers, today is my day


After listening to your video this morning my day has changed. I have been real estate for 4 months..havent done my first deal yet but I am networking so I know my first deal is out there if I want it and I do! I have just registered on your site and I am so glad that I did! I have been to one of your seminars in wichita and would like to attend one again in the future..I have been listening to all of the negative people around me telling me I can't for years and I have been in a rut starting this new business..I needed someone to say get up today is your day and give me encouragement..Dean for me that encouragement is you. You inspire me daily to want to be a better person and get out there and get after it..the real estate business is booming and I will make it happen. I'm finding that the real estate business is harder than I ever imagined..but I need to surround myself with people in the industry that have the skills to take me to where I want to go and I want to go to the top..there is no cap on the sky outside and I want it all. I am ready to learn...knowledge is power..but your words of encouragement come at a good time for me.. I was listening to what I call my drunken monkey and he was getting the best of me.. I spent 17 years in hospitality sales management...I got my real estate lisence because I wanted to do big things with my sales and flip and invest..I am excited to what my future holds..I hope one day that I will get the pleasure of meeting you in person.that is a dream of mine! God bless you Dean. You inspire me to want help me disoover my big why. I hope I can be half as successful in real estate as you have. I look forward to meeting you soon.
Angela Reynolds

The power of now

hecpri007's picture

Dean, I am glad you looked at this book. It has useful concepts.
Your site is good, hope you can get POF providers that will not charge.

Best wishes for the holidays!

Great advice!

I used to work retail. One time a lady came in tot he store and we got to talking. At some point in the conversation she expressed that she had a lot of regrets for things earlier in her life.

I asked her if she was hey as who she is today, and she reonded with an emphatic YES!

So then I pointed out that her past is what created her present... Step for step, the exact road she took is the one that bout her to where she is now.

She instantly brightened up as she realized that her present happiness was dependent on her past, failures, successes, everything.

Once you make a habit of looking at things that way it's not that hard to maintain!

It's the only awesome way to live! Smiling

Learn from Yesterday but Live for Today

Steve Lockett's picture

Thanks for this weeks wisdom. I was motivated to go to the first Dean Graziosi seminar and get started because I was sitting home and feeling depressed about the financial decisions I made after retirement that are costing me a lot of money. I am blessed because no matter what happens I will still have enough to survive but I made a decision that I deserve better than surviving in my retirement years that I worked so hard to get to. My father had sent me a card that says "LEARN from Yesterday, LIVE for Today, and HOPE for Tomorrow". This is significant because I always used to blame my Dad for my problems but I was stuck on the past. I have come to see that my problems were my own and that today I learn a lot from him and how he lives his life. I too have a brain that wants to beat me up most of the time while I regret the past and fear the future. When I just stay focused on today and find my gratitude life just works better. I am blessed to have my dad in my life today at 88 in good health and of sound mind. I just keep trying to do the right thing and the rest will work out. Happy Holidays to everyone and their families!

Thanks Dean

Davemchs's picture

I guess if you get in a funk than anyone can. Had some setbacks lately but try to remember all I have to be thankful for. Especially this site!

re: Gmail

I get all your emails. A couple have gone to spam, but I've found and corrected those and I get them all the time now. No worries.

Gmail can be a little bit of a pain, but it beats the crap out of the alternatives, as far as I am concerned anyway. Smiling

Current funk

Thanks Dean, I appreciate all your weekly blogs but especially this one. I am currently reading through "30 days to cash" book, just getting started with your 'Profit right now' program. Sometimes I get into a fog sorting out all this new information I am learning, trying to act on it and then get FUNKED out of my rhythem from my job I cannot leave yet, and many other outside forces that get me confused. I desperately DO NOT want my 2013 to be like these 4 years before. Trying to stay positive, learn, DO and move EVER FORWARD.

Message Could Not Have Come at a Better Time


I'm new to Real Estate Investment, but it could not have crossed my path at a better time in my life.

You hit the nail on the head, I've been doing a lot of reflecting on the past and trying to concentrate on the future. There is a great latin saying "respice adpice prospice" (Look to the past, Look to the present, Look to the future) and every since I've come across this message I've taken a different outlook on life. I go after each day looking to make a better future and be grateful for the past and what i have in my life. Often it seems likes I let my past way heavy on the now and I tell myself to forget about it and be grateful for the good and the bad, but sometime it takes that outside voice to say it... so thank you!

This weeks Weekly Wisdom could have not came at a better time!

RE: Weekly Wisdom #213

Hi Dean, Thank you for letting me be a part of your life. You are God sent. I can recall the first email I got from you around Jan. 1, 2012. Your timing was impeccable. It was a very low day for me. So much was going on. I was thinking about my mom who died years ago. I was fighting off negative comments from a family member who was totally against my getting involved in real estate. I was exhausted from work and the construction work that was happening on my street. I was overwhelmed and my mind went into a funk. I thought about running away from home. However, your email gave me hope and told me I could do this. And all your other emails were encouraging and said I can do this. You are an awesome person who is making the world a better place to live in. Keep fighting the villian inside you. Also, thank your wife and children for sharing you with us. God bless you and your family.

posting response's picture

Thanks Dean! Oh so true! Yes, your words of wisdom do help to prime the tank when I'm sucking on empty and inflate my tires when I'm off the road with a flat. Most of the time I do live in a space of gratefulness and consider myself a very positive person but I am no exception either. Recently my balloon burst and I definitely took a nose dive. You not only do a fantastic job at providing these wonderful weekly wisdoms, you have done a fine job of teaching your support staff and coaches to pick us up, dust us off, and turn us around so we can get back on track as well. I have had the pleasure of experiencing this first hand with my coaches Nathan and Kim. Now it is time for me to get back on track and let them know as well just how blessed I was that they were both there for me in a very perfect time of need. Your reminder of the Power of Now took me back to what I wrote in my high school year book, "Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday." So that was the past, many years have passed since then and now I choose to realize that my mercies and blessings are new every morning! You really are a very relatable person and thanks for keeping it REAL! Leta

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