When you read the posts of others succeeding on this site every week, do you ever think "When will it be my turn?" Well this video is all about getting your turn now. Dean has a special chance for you to get a little something extra this week that just may be the boost you need to finally get your turn to succeed.
PS- You can test drive Insider Elite for just $1!
My Dear Dean
You are by far the best salesman and expert at marketing that I know of and I always learn so much from you. You are also the greatest encourager. My day will come and I know sooner rather than later. I just spent thirty minutes with Joel who told me that yes is in my future. He told a story of an actress that calculated she had been told no 1000 times before she got her yes. Well, I just know that I will not have to go thru that many no's. You have asked "have you failed today?" and that is the same as a no. You have to go thru the no's and the closed doors and the mistakes to get to the yes. I am on it and I will not give up. I am learning and growing and like Zig says it not reaching the destination but what I will become that is so important. Thank You so much and have a great week. You are the best.
When Will It Be Your Turn?
Hi Dean,
Another Great Weekly Wisdom.....
To answer that question.....Soon I hope, listening, and reading all the success stories on this site is very inspiring, and encouraging.
All the information that I am reading and hearing is so helpful.....And the DG family continues to help each other....which is the most important thing...Thank You.....
Have a Great Week...
Can't wait
for the wind to be at my back and not in my face! LOL!
Thanks Dean...have a great week!
Thanks Dean!!
Thanks Dean.....awesome as always!
Yes, love Jay and Karen!! So excited for them. They are such a dear ,special couple and friends!
But you are right! The time is NOW! This IS MY TIME! It's NOT over til I WIN!
It's NEVER to late to be what you could have been!!! Everyday is another chance another opportunity! Just begin again!
It's like a fixed fight! I already know the final score! All the plays haven't been revealed yet....doesn't matter. That's just details! I know that I WILL WIN!
Jen Gray
P.S. thanks for mentioning me in the blog. 2 cool points for Dean today!! bhhahaha!
thanks Dean
for another motivational weekly wisdom!
Yes, Jay is such a wonderful person, and so inspiring!
Even though I've done some deals already, I don't feel like the wind is beneath my wings yet... still working hard to get there... every day!
How many times?
Thank you for inspiring us all to be and to do better! I don't know how many times I've thought the same way, "When is my time?" or, "Wow, Congrats!" on someone's post who made $2,500 bucks, or $5,000 on a deal bc I'm happy for them.
The main point is we need to get out there, kick butt & take action! Great video clip by Jay! I'm on the way, and I will make it! When? Soon! Why? Because I say so. Jen is right, you gotta tell yourself that You're a winner and that you are gonna win. The more your say it, the more you'll believe and achieve it. Yeah, you'll face roadblocks on they way like I have, but looks what's on the other side or behind that door! Financial future that can change your life in a huge way, if you act on it. Life sometimes ain't all about sunshine & rainbows! It's not about how many times you fall... It's about how many times get back up & fight to the finish, even if you may be in last place. Start now.... start today!
Yes Dean,
Jay is awesome!...always excited and ALWAYS smiling!! There just doesn't seem to be a negative bone in his body! It's great to witness him and Karen realize their dreams as they unfold!
Personally, it has been a long, long time coming, but I am on the cusp of breaking out and there's just NO turning back! There are just too many positive things happening....with opportunities presenting themselves that I would never think possible. I KNOW that my turn is SOON!! I will NEVER, EVER, EVER give up!!!!!!
Think of it this way...a salmon never quits swimming upstream, no matter what; right?! lol!
Thanks Dean...you are ALWAYS a selfless inspiration!!
Love the success of the DGFam
Dean - it makes me so happy to see Jay smiling and reporting yet another step in his and Karen's success. And Jen Grey? Super woman, massive encourager. There is so much love and support around here, starting with you. Listen DGFam - If you feel jealousy or envy - just transform it into energy to achieve and be the one posting good news. This is not difficult - but it takes dogged persistence and self motivation, which only comes from knowing your real deep WHY. That villian doesn't have a chance around this place!
Oh ya! And do give IE a $1 spin. Come ask me a question!!
I have been a member the of DG family for over 2 years and yet to make a deal for many reasons, but mainly allowing life to get in my way. I had my own reasons of why for doing this but recent events have changed this for me.
Last week we had the tragic news that my wife had a miscarriage 26 weeks into her pregnancy, she gave birth to my son Gabriel Matthew Meyrick sleeping on Monday 15th October.
I write this because the past week I have reflected on what Dean has been saying in his weekly wisdom video blogs, his words of positive encouragement and motivation has helped me this week more than anybody else I know. My why has changed dramatically in the last week, I need to do this now more than ever and yes I know there will bumps along the way and thats life, but one thing I know for sure, life is short and time is precious and only we have the desire to make our own success.
This is my time and thank you Dean from the bottom of my heart.
thanks for the weekly wisdoms dean
i'm an i.e. member but i still come here especially to hear your "weekly wisdoms". i'm so happy for jay. we talked here before the edge and we met him and karen there. great people on this site.
keep moving forward, rob
My Turn
Thanks for the weekly wisdom and Jay, Kuddoos.
There's no telling when it's going to be my turn and there's no guarantees. But I do know that if I keep doing what I'm taught to do, I will succeed.
Focus In The NOW!
Thanks Dean. Watched Weekly Wisdom #206 - When Will It Be Your Turn? Keep the Weekly Wisdom going. Very helpful and encouraging. We taking the action and believe the First adeal will take place in the NOW! Still working on the FIRST DEAL.
Wow amazing!
Wow amazing!
Thanks Dean
Hi Dean,
Thanks for the notification of these weekly wisdom videos. It gets my week started. Your videos are very motivational and I am working to make my turn to do my first deal within 60 days.
Thanks again.
Thanks and you better not even think about taking this site down.My turn next u right when your spouse and the people around you not paying attention to the market,take action,look towards the finish line.
Deans Weekly wisdom
One night my husband (Jay St Hilaire) could not sleep so he got up and watched TV. I was sound asleep in bed. Little did I know my life was about to change. The next morning he told me he needed me to listen in on a phone call. At this time I worked 65 hours a week and the thought of listening to a sales pitch for 20 minutes was just too much. So I told my husband if you need my permission to spend your own money have your mother listen in on the phone call and she can give you permission. Why would I need to listen in I have enough on my plate I sure as heck did not need more. Well 3 years later my husband is still loving Real Estate and the DG Family. This was not the next great thing that he got tired of after a couple of months. This is not even an option anymore. It is OUR life. Yes, I do go to the EDGE and sit by the pool, go hiking Camel Back Mountain, shopping, etc. while he is in classes at the EDGE. But I also have his back and support him 100%. He loves what he does. The DG Family has gotten him focused. He doesnt have to go and try new things. They have a proven path for anyone to follow.. SO I am here to THANKYOU Dean and DG'ers for all the support and love.. You will see me at the 2013 EDGE you might have to look at the pool BUT you will see me...Thankyou everyone from Dean to Deans staff to the DG family..
My next Deal
You are so AWESOME! I am so glad that you keep pumping us up to get the that next deal.
Viki Huerta
Being inspired
Great message again Dean.
We are inspired by every success story!
We have had the privilege to get to know Jay and Karen personally at the last Edge Event. They are generous, and love to share about their success. They are so deserving because they work hard and they give back. The people that you attract are amazing people Dean...we have met so many...including you
Thanks for continuing to teach and inspire!
John and Julie Wakefield
ps: We are loving the IE site!!!
Hi Everyone,
Another great video from Dean the Man. Dean is absolutely right, Never give up!!! My very first deal was full of everybody saying No!! Even other investors would say No!! to my deal cause they thought it was illegal and couldn't be done. Thanks to Dean and his coaching they helped me find a solution to make my first deal work, and turn it to a Yes!!.
Yes I did my first deal in 29 days but then it took me another 60 days to get another deal, Did I give up? No!!! For those of you that are busting your butt and still not landing a deal, I would suggest to go over the materials again and see what step your missing. Do not give up cause I'm sure you are so close to landing that first deal. Also look at all you have learned from all the No!! you have received, Once you get that first deal you're going to be a rock star cause now you have all the pieces to your puzzle.
Thanks Dean for Showing me how to kick the villain to the curb
Matt is awesome. Can't wait for his next webcast!
Can't Wait either
Sure would like the wind to be at my back and not in my face! I got knocked down really bad by the last wind and it took me a while to get back up. But, I think I am ready to move on now. Can't wait for that first deal either. I need it badly. I need the break through. i need the wind at my back.
I am picking up the pieces
I am picking up the pieces and getting organized. Your weekly wisdom videos get me in the right mind set. Thanks again
working on it
I'm waiting to hear back on my first deal. I should know if it went through shortly. Thanks Dean for your advice.
Dean, that's u in everyway. First of all I think u are generous and humble. Thanks for all u do.
Matt was Great!
The education was fantastic! Keeping us on the cutting edge.
Great comments and good
Great comments and good content.
deans weekly wisdom
Thanks Dean: another great inspiration. You are amazing, your ideas are so good,Thanks for all you do for everyone. Take action, go forward. Carol in Tx
Dean and the dg family
thank you again for all you have taught me and i TRULY am grateful for all you give to me and others to see us succeed .By now millions should know u give your life to keep us motivated and on the leading edge to success in real estate and life ! you have figured out what makes us tick and what it is that stops us from taking action.Then you put it in front of us but their is only ONE thing that is stopping us from succeeding and that is US !!! the constant pushing,teaching,inspiring ,wisdom sharing,confidence building and nurturing is very much needed and respected !!! all i can say is it is my pleasure and gratefullness to call you my friend and mentor. !!! this site ,the IE and all the people that surround you here are what attracts me to keep learning and sharing with others.THANK YOU !!!! being on your weekly wisdom blog is an HONOR !!
ps:thank you for all the awesome comments, luv this dg family !!!
Jay Sthilaire
Thanks for tips - that is why I haven't given up
Like you have said so many times that people think where did we stuck, or we can't do this or that, it is not true blah blah,
Even though I haven't made a deal yet, I am still hope full, I will be successful.
I have bought a house in Indiana, now want to sell it, anybody interested in to give me my very first profit or at least confidence that I can sell too.
Thanks again for all your tips and knowledge share.
And thanks for your staff, students.
Shoaib from Chatham (Canada).
I have been here trying since aug. 2010. Right after the 2010 edge event here in San Diego. I haven't done my first deal yet but I am still putting out the bandit signs and the ghost ads, and have put together part of my team. I watch the weekly wisdom, and visit here often to read up on many things. I have read Jen Gray's post and believe just as she does. Everyday is a time to get into action. For me every day is a new beginning and I am always into action.
Thanks for your enthusiasium