Stress is often fear based. Fear usually comes from thoughts and perceptions. Sometimes those thoughts and perceptions are rooted in the past or the possible future...neither of those places is where you need to be. In this blog, Dean reveals how to shift your mind into the "NOW" gear and offers a simple way to help you do that every day.
PS- You can test drive Insider Elite for just $1!
So true!
DEan--I love how you call our past our "research & development". I've def. had a lot of R&D!
As you suggested, I'm focusing on the NOW!
I'm going to test drive the IE for a dollar...will do that TODAY!
Have a great Sunday!
-Teresa Jo
Dear Dean I am a member of your DG Insider Elite and love it. I think you are the most in the no real estate teacher on the planet your books are also amazing and are bar none the best. I can't even count the number of people who I told to get your material as well as sign up for The Edge since I learned about you in 2008. I even know some of your successful students and I am friends with them. My question is I have been doing this since November 2011 and have not gotten a deal with the particular strategy I am using. Who else in DG is doing this in Los Angeles California and is successful?????? After 11 months of doing this I have found only 1 person out of many people as well as known people in the industry and I am being mentored by them starting tomorrow. I have even talked or emailed other students who you feature but all of them won't touch California only 1 Chad but not anymore. Yes I know Tammy is here who I like but she has done other types of deals I am focusing on Wholesaling. I am not quitting and never will. I also understand this is not a get rich quick deal like Matt Larson said it took him 3 years but my gosh is it not realistic to get 1 deal a month in Wholesaling here. Southern California is so big with alot of real estate and different price ranges am I doing something wrong. Thanks and no disrespect but do I need to start over from scratch again. God BLess
Eric V
Getting Your Head in Gear...
Hi Dean,
More great advise....and so true......Our minds have to be in the succeed....forget the failures in the PAST.......and don't look towards a FUTURE that hasn't happened yet....Tomorrow isn't promised to anyone of us.....
Like you Dean...I also don't like the word "Guru" either.....I never call you that.....I see you as a very successful business man....who is taking time from your busy schedule to continue to educate your DG Family......I would like to Thank You for all this Good Stuff.....
Have a Great Week.....
You can do it, man! I would think in LA and most of Cali- ~ it's tuff to wholesale with all the the prices over there. With the right mentor, you will knock it outta the park over there. Keep your head & chin up!
We forget to like in the now & worried about the past & what we didn't do the most. The future will always be the future, and it's up to us what we make of it. Thank you for the advice this week!
The message always come in when you need it.
Thank you for the great message. I was getting my self stressed out thinking of tomorrow, and what is going to be on the next couple of days. How am I going to take care of this and that...?? Many questions. Sometimes to snap out you need a second person telling you to live on NOW, and do it NOW! And, that is what I'm going to do, and I will be sharing really soon on my discoveries, failures and win! Thank you for opening this great platform to all of us.
just got it!
Thank you Dean for doing another great weekly wisdom!
I've heard you mention the book a couple times now. Since I am on a never ending quest to discover any and all success clues.
(Do what the successful do! THINK how the successful think! I know I have grow to BE that which I want to obtain. That my life and my business will only grow/develop to that which I am. Why I am obsessed with stretching, developing and strengthening ME)
This week, I ordered a few new books. One of which is "The Power Of Now" UPS dropped it off Friday, I'm now into Ch3. Have to say, after Ch1 'You Are Not Your Mind' then just finishing Ch2 'Consciousness: The Way Out of Pain' a light has revealed A LOT and been brought to the surface!
Far deeper than I care to post on the internet. lol
But as for me, a little different spin. I refuse to live in a spirit of fear (God does not give me a spirit of fear!), so I don't allow worry about 'tomorrow' rather for me more like a carrot stick out in front of me (goals/dreams, etc.) that I am constantly chasing, pursuing, pushing forward, which in-turn has meant not being present and in the now a lot. However, goes to show that whether driven from a negative energy (past junk or future fears) or a positive energy (purpose and passion driven, pursuits) the result nets the same. Not living in the now!
Has been something I've been working with my life coach about. Being able to kind of flip the 'off switch' at times and be completely 100% being present with my son. I've outsourced task, hired people, delegate more in order to 'free' me up to be able to live Now and also to do more of what I do best!
Got to give enormous thank you to both you and Matt. There are qualities, character and attributes that each of you possess that for me.....have completely changed my life and make me strive to be a better person everyday!
Never stop climbing!!
Thank you Dean!
God bless,
Jen Gray
Dean - you mention the replay, but I can't find it in Insider Elite - is it posted yet? I'm referring to the replay on finding speculator list.
thanks dean
the power of now. it's easy to get sidetracked but if we can catch ourselves when it's happening it'll be easier to keep on track. thanks again dean.
keep moving forward, rob
Thanks Dean! I found the replay in the backlog of all webcasts (impressive collection!!!). I think it's the 10/2 new member webcast - lot's in there about the shift. Anyway, I plan to watch it all, so I will get the info sooner or later... back to my first 30 days to my first deal!!!
Here's to really making this happen (or at least doing the effort to make it happen).
I feel you!
I feel like I'm in a constant battle with the failures of the past and the limitless worrying about the future. Sometimes I need to just stop the noise in my head and just get something done.
Thanks again for your insight.
hi, dean i feel like i cant
hi, dean i feel like i cant get out of the pass even if I'm already in your success academy,following the step by step coaching that they give,sometimes when i'm out here in the great aloha state putting out my bandit signs or my ghost ads and i get only few calls or none at all,just taking action and just doing it makes me feel in the now. but, then feels like i'm right back to the beginning, that is not were i want to be,but i know i need to just keep pressing forward not give up.when ever, i feel like the pass i go on and listen to your weekly blogs and then i know i'm in the now but from here on out i will make every effort to stay in the now and reach my success to that day when i become your next student to tell my story live on national t'v ill know that i owe everything to you.thanks dean for always steering us in the right direction,your truly the real deal dean. aloha
Keep up with the message!
Dean, don't ever stop talking about this! The mind loves to offer up unproveable conclusions. Thanks, Katarina
Live in the Now
Hi Dean,
Thanks again for the weekly wisdom. We all try to live in the now but it isn't always easy. You life gets better when you live in the now as you not always looking forward or worrying about the past.
Just closed on 2 houses Friday and looking at more out there, I'm buying and holding or lease options for now but looking to wholesale some soon.
Thanks again for all the time you put in for your students.
Thanks Dean
Thanks again for reminding us that now is the time. Sometimes I feel like I am in a rut and can't get out. I've been told that a rut is a GRAVE with both ends knocked out. Your words of wisdom lift me right out of the rut and sit me on the ground running. I am going to do it.
Love your words...the past
Love your words...the past is "research & development"! So good I wrote it down, thanks again for your blog Dean!
Deans blog
I am just starting out and I have a few questions. Should I read Deans books first, should I join the Insiders Elite ( or is it to quick to do so). Dean I loved this weeks blog, it was very informative thanks Dean
Your words are always on point Dean...
Unbelievable, you are always on point Dean.My significant other has his alarm set as a door bell.This morning when it went off i reached for it and put it on snooze,as it went off again ignore the first two bells by the third bell i hear a voice in my ear saying wake up this is your opportunity... I woke up feeling that's strange, it sound so real as if someone literally had spoken the words in my ear.I get up, wake up the kids and start dressing the little one which is picked up by bus.Her dad is busy telling she isnt going to make it because it is late, i told him it's not to late and she will make it..Well she made the bus and i thought to myself, see got this.For some reason i was eager get on Dg to check out the weekly wisdom and normally i wait to get the email then i get on,this morning was different. Not even a minute in the video what comes out of Deans mouth "you dnt want to miss this opportunity !! It was like a finger was pointing right at me.Dean you are always on point i must say, there have been two or three videos which you have literlly brought me to tears because i could relate and i saw the person you described in myself.. But today i didnt tear, i said to myself THIS IS IT!! I will fight that villian and i will succeed in this!!Thank you so much Dean for your words of widsom!! OBTW i am a proud IE member and from today forward i am going in,when kids are sleep , im in there, before they wake up, im in there, anytime when i can focus , im gonna be in there !!! I know i can do this and I WILL thank you again Dean!!
nailed it
Oh boy, you got me Dean, yes I do use the past to prevent myself from making mistakes, and the Future is used to prevent me from moving forward which is due to fear of what could take place, I see the picture of success and then it is wiped away with fear of not so much failure as it is losing my "you know what" in the deal, even with the process you have taught us to assure us success it still haunts me. I can see where staying in the "NOW" moment would be a positive, it just is hard for me, and I consider myself a positive person over-all, so whats up with this? Negative thoughts are a killer for sure
Join the IE!! :)
Hello I am a proud memeber of the Insiders Elite family . I say family because it is so much more than being a member you have all these ppl that come together with the same mind frame with all sorts of information valuable may i add...Everyone comes together as one some even meet up face to face, some through phone,email and even chat literally. From all walks of life, states and cities its so much more than you can imagine try it im sure you wont regret it .. obtw they have the 14 trial maybe u should use it to test it out ... YOU'll be happy that you did!! take care...
I can answer this for you. On the top of your dashboard page you will see a "strip" with icons that say "Ask the Experts, Daily Wisdom," etc. To the right of the "Make A Deal" icon, you will see an arrow. Click on that and the "strip" will move to reveal 2 more icons. Click on the "Event" icon and this will take you to the right page. scroll down to
"Past Events" and click on the one Dean did on Oct 2.
That's it! Hope this helps. Enjoy the site. It is Amazing. It has changed my life!!!
Dean, another amazing talk. You don't know how this hit the nail in the head with me. I have to plan time today and start doing something today. NOW!
Great wisdom
Thanks again, Dean for the amazing wisdom. I have ordered the book, and I am on the Insider Elite site on a regular basis. It has truly changed my life!!! I actually feel connected now. Can you pls. expand on the techniques to finding the "speculators?" That would be so helpful. Again, thank you Dean!
Power of Now
Dear Dean-Thanks again for this wonderful wisdom. I'm trying so hard to get started and its just hard because of current situation. i wish that i could talk to some more students on how they get started. Where can i go to connect with some student that has experience. I'am so READY to get started. Keep those wisdom coming.... Regards. i will take ACTION today.
Dean, the last time you spoke about that, I was really STRESSED applied your concept about NOW, I don't even remember what it was that I was stressed about. But one thing I do know life changes weather we like it or not. I've been with your programs for a little over a year, but even though I haven't done a deal I see changes in me. Now this shift and I hope to change myself before this market changes so I can get into gear. I do need this NOW THING. I know you will never give up and I can always come back to this site and start over again.
As always
As always very inspiring and full of truth. Thanks,
Reading "The Power of NOW"
Hi,Dean, Took your advice and I'm reading the book "The Power of NOW" by Eckhart Tolle. Rented it at the Library. This is a GREAT book. Can't wait to finish and apply it.
Thanks Dean, I am up North
Thanks Dean,
I am up North in Hanford California with my parents in a rental house that we are rehabbing to re-rent. Tomorrow I will go home yo L.A. where I can have better internet access.
I am grateful for the 1.00 trial test drive. As I am working with my parents I will really need that kind of help. This test drive is Great timing. Thanks I cant wait to get home get on line.
Your son is sooo cute and I am really looking forward to seeing your daughter again on one of your blogs.
Debra A Ann
Thanks Dean
For another weekly wisdom. Thanks for working your tail off so we do not have to.
Again I am going to say DGers need to read Totally Fulfilled before they get into REI so that their minds will be open for their new big adventure.
Thanks for you do Dean.
Steve and Veronica
Great weekly wisdom Dean
As usual it was loaded with content and insight. I am grateful to have access to your weekly wisdom especially now that I am not in the workplace=job where I use to be with people everyday. I am definitely living in the now. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never get here but I am blessed with today. That being said we must know that sometimes the past pain and grief can pay us a visit. I continue to put it aside but there are times when that is not possible. I cry and realize that my tears cleanse my soul.
Now with regard to REI I have all your books and I have EDGE 09 and 10. The test drive for IE for $1.00 is awesome and I did click on it to see the offer which is superb. Right now I do not have a spare dollar for anything and was not even able to buy groceries this month. Don't worry though as I keep extra food on hand and this is not a woe is me post. The price of gas is sky high here in California and my tank is near empty. No money to buy bandit signs so I will have to improvise. I will have to use what I have so it means walking for $'s in place of driving. If I had a little extra money I would buy the book on Power of Now. That will have to be later and in the meantime I have Totally Fulfilled. I do not want to be left behind and I need to get to the other side and be in the 2%. I trust in the Lord and I am strong and determined. So I know that living in the now and taking a calculated risk will get me the profit I deserve on my created deal. Have a great day and a wonderful week.