Ever feel like life is passing you by?
Are you constantly pulled in 23 different directions and unable to fit in the things that are most dear to your heart? Do you often go to bed with a nagging pain in your gut because you missed something or you just KNOW life "should" be different for you?
If any of this sounds familiar, this dose of weekly wisdom will be like a lifeline in a sea of overwhelm or discontent. Watch now and feel better fast!
breaking something
so much to do, so little time...
yes, Dean, enjoy your family first, they grow up so quickly.
I, like so many of the others that posted today, heard you speaking to me directly.
I read your books at night, and research and make notes early in the morning until I go to work.
I guess I have to 'break' the hours when I work.
I have to take a break in the middle of work, I never take lunch, to make some contact with my contacts.
Thanks for the reminders, they are priceless.
Thank you Dean for another great weekly wisdom.
I guess I can say that I was very fortunate to have been able to be there for my son while he was growing up, and I treasure every moment I spent with him.
I've always believed in living a healthy life, eating right, exercising, and learning something new every day. I make it part of my daily life, not a goal or a chore.
I think that my breakthrough came about a year ago, when I discovered the DG family; at that moment I decided to commit myself to succeed in rei. I used to spend time on hobbies that I enjoy very much, but I put them 'on time out' since then, and until I achieve success in rei, they will remain away from my daily life. I will not allow hobbies to take time away from my rei!
Learning and progressing every day,
LISTEN UP!! Let go of what is not working for you!
Twenty-five years ago I had a wake-up call. The left side of my body shut down, I could not feel anything from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. I got to stay in the hospital for a week. The doctors did not know whether it was a Heart Attack or a Stroke. It was Total Stress. Lots of time to think, so everything changed. Always said yes, then I started to say know to whatever was not working for me. One more thing to go, my parttime job. I have not been sick in 25 years. Let it go, just say no!
Good luck everyone.
Sure are right.
Think I know the feelin and got to say I'm breaking alot of things just to get my first deal. I even turned down a 3k house to paint, cause I'm so focus on getting my real estate business running. Can't keep going back to what I know. Nay sayers making me feel quilty, but not even that will change the path I chose. Dean you've earn't the right to spent more time with your kids and for yourself. Great blog! Thanks. Ralph
Dean's Breakthrough... what a great "to do" list! :)
Hi Dean,
What wonderful news that you are making changes in your life that are working for you, you feel good about, and are maximizing time with your family. Those are some goals and changes you can feel good about. Well done! It's hard sometimes to do that re-arranging when you love what you do, but the time you invest in being the well rounded person will stand you in good stead and make you feel even better about doing the things you love, and sharing with the people you love. Quality time breeds quality relationships! Stay on that good track. I enjoy your inspirational messages. You are so sincere and warm, it is a pleasure to have business principles shared by someone who is such a genuine article. Best to you, in all you do. Hey, that rhymes. Ha!
Northwest Susan
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength". Phillipians 4:13
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Exactly what i need to hear...
There are things in my life that i need to break to get to where i want to be in real estate. I need to work harder and stop dabbling in it. So thanks again for your words of wisdom and in five years i want to be able to tell you how much of a good difference your teaching made in my life.
Time with family
Well done, man! You couldn't do a better thing than spend more time with your kids. No matter how many lives you influence and benefit, no-ones gonna look up to you or need you more than your own children. They need you now in a way that changes and you can't get it back. So treasure these precious moments and all the ones to come. It's important sometimes to just freeze and live in the moment, let the hustle and bustle pass you by. It'll still be there, it's not going anywhere.
Spot on Dean, thanks! There are areas that I can throw out. I have been putting in the 10-15 hours but want things to move faster so, I am finding a way to gain another hour each day to invest in my goals/hobby!
Thanks Dean.
Dean you are so right. We only have so much to give. Our families are the most important. Right on
Roger & out
Thank you
Thanks for the words of wisdom. I needed that. I get so excited about the what I'm doing in real estate, and then I lose the fire. I need to break something also to keep going strong.
Great stuff Dean. You are so right, Thanks
It is true!
Dean, I keep thinking about it, and the valuable time that I should spend with my son. Time just flies by, and dont want to miss the important moments. I also like you said, you used to exercise, now you are back. I also used to do it, but need to find time to do it. I need to get rid of unneeded things in my life. Thanks for this message! I keep having it in my mind and believe we need to take action.
Thanks Dean
I've been in such a frenzy and working on real estate that I too am in the same boat; things that are important aren't getting the attention they deserve and I'm just trying to get deals done to try to pay for this hard money loan I can't get out of. It's like I'm a slave to it. I need to refind me and my family and just stop for awhile. I've had over 10 deals fall through recently and I think God's trying to tell me something, and then along comes your message reiterating the 'breaking something' in order to move forward. I need to do some serious reorganizing of my life now; I did it for my business; but its time for me to do it for me.
So, I'm going to make the time for exercise, eating right and playing more with my kids.
Glad you can spend more time with your family. I do too, but the fire under the behind is lite and I plan to do both.
Thanks again,
Thankyou Dean
I Think that I may have my 1st deal,must do more research on it.
Had avery bad down on self time for acouple of days?
Where I work right now doesn't help much,they remind me what can happen us both if we don't change our life now.
Theresa Mynard
I get it, Dean!
It's broken. I will no longer DABBLE. More action, no dabbling.
Got it.
Leon J.
P.S. Thanks again Dean.
Las Vegas
Hello Dean
My wife and I really loved the Edge event in Vegas.
You and all the other speakers were just great.
Met a lot of fine people there also.
Can't wait to put some of the ideas to work.
Sound good to me
It sounds good to break something, I think I will break from my roommate and move.
Huntington Bch Ca.
Thanks Deano for the common sence
wisdom. We must prioritize what is important and what is not when we compare it our goals, and the toll it is taking. If our work schedule steals from our family we must change it. Most of our vivid memories are formed as our kids are growing up and it happens so quickly. I love the term "if we are going to change something, we must break something"! Great advise, and hopefully we can recognize until it is before it is too late for us to recapture the most important things.
you better get back on that health horse, or facebook/Americow2011 will be very disappointed in you! Americow works hard to find the time to provide tips/tricks on health and exercise...
I AND I'M SURE all of us that don't know you personally and those that do would understand if you took some serious time off. Yeah, it's be tough on us in some ways. But Sir Dean of Mesa, you DO NOT WANT TO BE THE RICHEST MAN IN THE GRAVE!
I come from a longggggg line of family entrepreneurs and most of my family beyond the grand parents still have lived into their 90's-105... and they all figured out ways to take that extended time. Yes, they weren't teaching the whole world how to get rich in Real Estate and all the cool stuff you do. I think it's obvious to 99% of the lives that you touch that you work your ass off. It's as much of a pleasure to watch what YOU do and what you come up with and share as it is being newbies and trying to figure it all out in the ways we do. Sure, you feel responsibilities to the whole... HEY, WE'LL GET OVER IT! Go take off a month or 6 weeks or something like that. ALSO, I WANT YOU TO KNOW that with what I said above, watching what and how you pull it all together is FREE ENTERTAINMENT IN ITSELF! Well, that's my feedback to this weekly blog.
Enjoy and see you in the ethernet!
Wow! Just what I needed to hear...
Thanks for the punch in the face. I started success academy 3 weeks ago, and I haven't spent much time on my studies. I just started working again (hotel security), after being in a car accident on 2/3/11, and I work nights. So most of my day I am sleeping. Well here I am excited to change my life because of the accident and what do I do. Go back to the miserable job!
It SUCKS trying to make sure I get enough sleep each day so I don't fall asleep at work. I'm DONE with that. If I fall asleep at work because I was up all day keeping track of my ads and voice mail, or evaluating properties.
So Be It!!!
I may be Kra-Z, but I am not insane...
Dean, Just want to say I am happy to hear your spending time with your family cause the little ones grow fast.Anyway Patti & I enjoy your video's and we need to finish your book 30 days to Real Estate Cash. We have had a lot happen lately that has kind of slowed us down but when we listen to your video's that helps us realize that we need to get busy and get this business started..Our 13 yr. old granddaughter just had major back surgery and she came through it fine thank God so now that things are calming back down we can finish your book and get started..Your video's are very inspirational..Thanks Dean for all you do to help so many people..David & Patti
I know it was good...
The blog that is... Sure wish I could get the sound as well as the video. Admin2 doesn't know why I can't get sound as well as myself. I get all other videos etc WITH sound. Anybody have any idea why for the past 3 or 4 weeks, I can't get Dean's blogs' sound???? I'm stumped. Send me am IM if you have any ideas!
Very True
Thanks Dean, you are so right. Time to make a change. I don't want to see myself 5 yrs from now still the way I am now, your weekly blog has made me see the light and now its time to follow it and make my success in real estate happen. Thanks Dean, you always inspire me and this one takes the cake. God bless you and one day I will make my life better by using your techniques and getting this deals happening.
I will break everything if that's what it takes
Hi Dean
thanks again for letting us know what it is that you yourself are implementing into your life. I have been having so much trouble just finding my wholesale buyers that I am getting really discouraged and I'm not sure what else to do. I am going to sit down right now and start looking at the things that don't belong so that I can break those barnacles off the hull of my lonely ship in hopes to get my speed up so I can start making waves of my own. I really wish I could just talk to you to see where it is that I'm going wrong
Thanks DEAN
Thanks Dean for opening up to your students here and sharing with us what your facing and for us to look at our status and on that note,we will suceed with your help,another good blog.
Thanks again, Dean
I really enjoyed this Weekly Wisdom. Thanks for sharing your struggles and tips how to handle it. You're AWESOME!
I all have to break something to create something new!
Thanks, again.
Let's all move forward to success
Break Through Weekly Wisdom
Hi Dean,
Thank you for your weekly words of wisdom. I am glad that you are spending more time with your children, because life is short. It is true that we get distracted by things, and that we need to focus on what is important. I need to make that break through so that I can become sucessful in real estate.
Thank you,