I plan on going right through the holidays! Why stop now, I just started! I cannot wait for Slack Friday and to be honest Dean you and Matt Larson are the two guys that are my RE hero. Thank you so much for this ooportunity and for changing my families lives! You guys have no idea how you touch peoples lives. God bless you both as well as the entire DG family that keeps everyone going strong with their support!
My hero wright now is me, because I decided to really get going with investing this year, and I got the SFL system, I signed on here and I'm on here every day Talking and learning more from all the others here.
And as I learn new things it happens that thinks I already Know helps others, so I share that when ever I can.
Dean Graziosi, you're our HERO.
To be honest Dean, If it wasn't for you, there would be no JAN AND JEREMY. To call you our friend is an honor. Trips to Phoenix, infomercials, a chapter in your book and just sitting around the table in the green room having pizza and wings with you, Rina, Laura, Elena and Greg Murphy was a dream come true.
Like it or not, you are the man...Jan
My hero is my father. Christmas is SO hard because my father also passed away on Christmas day 11 years ago now. My father taught me about dealing with life and loving. He discovered Jesus and taught me about Him. Love; no hate, treat other's the way you want to be treated, were his mottos of life. There is noone out there quite like him. Having been brain damaged in the very early part of his training in the Navy, his life changed drastically and his wisdom from the experience was passed down. He was a brilliant man even after the brain damage, had so many inventions. Down with apathy, hate and greed. That was a sign he would wear on his hat as he walked down the street (we never had a car); I can only hope to be 1/2 the person he was. My father is my hero; my mother is my heart. Both have gone on to be with the Lord.
Well, I've said multiple times recently, "I'm going to meet my hero, Dean Graziosi". And now I'm saying "I met my hero, Dean Graziosi". It's because you worked for what you have and you give back endlessly. You set a healthy example as a business man and a father. I consider all your educational offerings an outreach and a giving.
But really, by husband is my number one hero. He has worked tirelessly for our family. He has been a tower of strength and patience, endurance, unfaltering love. Now I plan to ease his burden with great success in real estate.
We were at the Insider's Edge in Las Vegas this weekend and are now blessed with a more concrete plan. We are fired up and ready to go. There will be no slacking off in December, but much thanksgiving and joy. Work does bring joy.
Thanks for the new blog and wise encouragement to start planning NOW mentally and emotionally and researching for our goals for the weeks to come.
Many people are thinking about Jesus Christ, especially at this time of year.
I have to say that Jesus Christ, was THE GREATEST MAN who EVER LIVED, and will forever be the one I want to follow in his footsteps. That is comforting and gives me a sense of stability because I don't rely on any imperfect human today, that as you mentioned our choice can change from day-to-day.
Jesus COULD have been THE GREATEST Real Estate Investor or WHATEVER he chose to do because he was a perfect man.
However, is that what he did??
I'm not too good at remembering sayings, but one saying that many people are familiar with is: "Give a man a fish and feed him for a day.
Teach a man how to fish and feed him for a lifetime."
Jesus kept his life simple. He did not focus his life around material things. He didn't try helping people to better their life for 70 or 80 years until they die. Rather, he focused the last 3 & 1/2 years of his life on earth on THE most important, never-to-be-repeated work of teaching people--not how to fish, but how THEY can extend their OWN lives FOREVER without end by taking in accurate and correct knowledge.
In addition, he gave the greatest gift anyone could ever give. He gave up his own life, so that we can gain life forever in a paradise earth. I don't know of any human ruler that has ever done that for his or her people.
By constantly focusing on the pattern that Jesus set, I stay focused on the most important things and I remember that real estate investing to me is a means to an end, not an end in itself.
I just signed up for the Success Academy this week.
I am using the program, and working the lessons. But the program is going to let me achieve my 'Why' which is to create a legacy of long term wealth for my family.
To rise up from the poverty of my youth, and let my children have, and pass on, a better life and a better way of living.
Dean asked about Hero's.
I have had two.
The first is W. Clement Stone and the other is Frank Betcher.
Although they are both passed, they both wrote amazing books about success and helped many, many people during their lives, long before the days of self help and motivational guru's.
I still have 'The Success System That Never Fails' by W. Clement Stone, and 'How I Raised Myself From Failure To Success in Selling' by Frank Betcher.
I am so inspired being a part of all this on Dean's site and the Success Academy.
Happy Holiday's to everyone.
and Happy Festivus for the rest of us.
(it is a Seinfeld relate for those not familiar with Festivus)
That small secret seperates the quick starts from the others. If you are working through December, once January hits, there are already things happening. I couldn't agree with you more.
Great advice again, Dean. While others are slacking, we should be taking some type action. As you said though; we must take some enjoyment for the holidays.
My hero is my late grandfather...a man of few words, but one that was very accomplished. Showed me the value of hard work and the perserverance to never give up on your goals.
Of course, along with you; Matt Larson and Carol Stinson are my RE heroes!
For another great blog. I want to tell the rest of the family if you do not have the Edge 2010 DVDs already get them on Slack Firday. We bought the Set For Life package. To us the Edge DVDs are the best part of that package. We paid a lot more for the whole package than what Dean is going to charge you for just the Edge DVDs so buy them you will not be sorry.
Heros, First off Jesus, Dad, Marine Corps heros and has far as REI goes yes Dean Graziosi and the rest of the top students that have motivated us to do so well.
Thanks for slack Friday. I have been thinking about that very thing, not slacking in real estate, during the Christmas season, will continue to make progress. The name that first came to mind is my grandmother. She passed away with CA when I was seventeen. She was a Godly woman, a very quiet woman, she never complained, always stayed busy. My mom is right in there also. This passed year it has been you, your team, and the rest of the DG family, you are great motivators. Heard three messages today on confidence, from two different ministers, while decorating for Christmas!!! WoW!! So Good. Confidence is the key. Have a great week. God bless!!!
Another great blog. I can't wait to see what you have in store for slack friday. I have to say that my heroes are my mother for always making the best with what she had, my late grandmother for her "never give up" attitude, my wife for the dedication she has in school and of course you and your team for all you do for all of us.
Best wishes.
Everyone don't forget to network while you are enjoying all these holiday parties...let people know you are an Real Estate Investor, and pass out those business cards... because somebody knows somebody, who knows somebody that needs to buy or sell some real estate.
Keep Christ in Christmas...
Thanks again. Looking forward to the holidays but don't want to lose touch with my RE business.So good to hear that you are again thinking of the people who are on the perimeter, the ones that just need that little break to get into this awesome business. Have a wonderful Christmas.
Thanks again. Looking forward to the holidays but don't want to lose touch with my RE business.So good to hear that you are again thinking of the people who are on the perimeter, the ones that just need that little break to get into this awesome business. Have a wonderful Christmas.
With another great BLOG from Dean. Thanks again for the little pushes you give. I'm not checking out in December, but pushing harder. I've already gotten my buyers list going with my ghost ad. I'm telling everyone about what I'm doing and passing out business cards everywhere. And I'm marketing my website thru SFL System and telling others on my business cards. Great idea of hitting the road running in January. Keep the great idea's coming.
Remember, the sky is the limit!
PS: This blog only posted 15 minutes ago eastern time, how did all these other people get ahead of me?
My 3 heros have always been John Paul getty, John Rockerfeller and Gonald Trump. The straegies that each use are phonemal but it does help to have some backup financially
Dean you are one of my hero's along with your hard working team there. There's also Matt, Carol
and all the others who give us love and guidance
to be a good investor. Joel Osteen said this last weekend that you have to have confidence in
yourself and not let the nay sayers move you off
your track of success. God gave us that confidence we just have to have faith and see all the good inside of us.
So to all the DG guys and gals out there , lets get some deals! oh yeah, my family and I wish all of you a wonderful and happy holidays.
Building buyers and sellers lists have been proven
tough. In fact for the past week or so, it has been a struggle to do any thing in that regard. Thanks again for remind us the most important thing. That's building the block of the future! I'll take on your advice seriously.
By the way, my hero is my savior- Jesus Christ. I want to emulate Him in every area of my life. He is famous, successful and very rich. He is rich in silver and gold because all belongs to Him.
I'm getting back to work. I look forward to Slack Friday. Thanks for the video, and have a great week.
Dean I look forward to your every week to what you have to say. Thanks for all you do for us! I have been investing in real estate for 15 years now and every day I am still looking for another property or a way to invest to make money in real estate. Looking forward to your financing options you are working on. That is our biggest challenge these days.
Although I already have all this, I know how vaulable all this info is. Hopefully this will give others a chance to get on board.
You mentioned the holidays and slacking off. And I am hoping to find more deals this month, because now is when the banks need to get rid of properties on there books.
I was looking for people in my area to work with, but find they are all too busy now.
To be honest the past 3 weeks I seriously did want to give all this up, because of so many problems I am having...but yesterday I heard a sermon on the Christian Joy, and it really hit home with me. Then this morning I posted on a thread and someone came on and said something in reply very short and simple and it made me chuckle and actually made me feel like part of this family.
Then I saw your blog, and now I "will" hit the day running..not giving up, but intend to find deals "today" and Dean, you will never know how much even the few minutes each week make many of us feel like we will do this..not can do it, but will do it!
Thank you!!
Thanks again for a great blog! Really look forward to these! You always say something that makes me think harder about what I'm doing, or not doing.
Action action action is the key to this! I agree with taking time to enjoy the holidays. But not to the point where we forget what we are trying to achieve!
Very excited about the holidays this year! Lots of new and exciting things going on.
Look forward to slack Friday and seeing what you have to offer when you already offer so much!
As for hero's....I'll have to think about that one. Didn't realize that no one would just pop in my head to take that place. Surprised me actually that I didn't have one right off.
I really need to meet you in person to make sure you are real!!!!
Every monday I watch your video, and if I am down I come back to life and it looks like anything you say hits me in some way or another.
My hero is my baby girl Mikaela.... she is the one I look up to. She is almost 2 years old and let me tell you... she has no worries, she is always smiling, she always makes me feel in peace!!!
I want to be her hero onces she gets older. I want her to feel the same way I do when she grows up!!!
Thanks for everything you do Dean!!!
Looking forward to meeting you in person next year!!
My heroes are none other than my parents. They brought me well and i get my energy just looking at my name. That is right, Dec. is here and my plan is to go around my area for For Sale signs and look em up at cityhall for their rightfull owners and get their tel. nos. Merry Christmas.
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Dean has FREE webcasts and conference calls every so often! Be sure to register with us to stay updated and save your spot for future broadcasts and calls.
Any time a new conference call has been scheduled we will email everyone registered the special access information and put a reminder on the front page of the site.
That's Awesome!
I plan on going right through the holidays! Why stop now, I just started! I cannot wait for Slack Friday and to be honest Dean you and Matt Larson are the two guys that are my RE hero. Thank you so much for this ooportunity and for changing my families lives! You guys have no idea how you touch peoples lives. God bless you both as well as the entire DG family that keeps everyone going strong with their support!
Hi Dean Another great video
Hi Dean
Another great video as always.
My hero wright now is me, because I decided to really get going with investing this year, and I got the SFL system, I signed on here and I'm on here every day Talking and learning more from all the others here.
And as I learn new things it happens that thinks I already Know helps others, so I share that when ever I can.
Thank You
Jim Kendrick
To Quote Ferris Bueller
Dean Graziosi, you're our HERO.
To be honest Dean, If it wasn't for you, there would be no JAN AND JEREMY. To call you our friend is an honor. Trips to Phoenix, infomercials, a chapter in your book and just sitting around the table in the green room having pizza and wings with you, Rina, Laura, Elena and Greg Murphy was a dream come true.
Like it or not, you are the man...Jan
My hero and the holidays
My hero is my father. Christmas is SO hard because my father also passed away on Christmas day 11 years ago now. My father taught me about dealing with life and loving. He discovered Jesus and taught me about Him. Love; no hate, treat other's the way you want to be treated, were his mottos of life. There is noone out there quite like him. Having been brain damaged in the very early part of his training in the Navy, his life changed drastically and his wisdom from the experience was passed down. He was a brilliant man even after the brain damage, had so many inventions. Down with apathy, hate and greed. That was a sign he would wear on his hat as he walked down the street (we never had a car); I can only hope to be 1/2 the person he was. My father is my hero; my mother is my heart. Both have gone on to be with the Lord.
Well, I've said multiple times recently, "I'm going to meet my hero, Dean Graziosi". And now I'm saying "I met my hero, Dean Graziosi". It's because you worked for what you have and you give back endlessly. You set a healthy example as a business man and a father. I consider all your educational offerings an outreach and a giving.
But really, by husband is my number one hero. He has worked tirelessly for our family. He has been a tower of strength and patience, endurance, unfaltering love. Now I plan to ease his burden with great success in real estate.
We were at the Insider's Edge in Las Vegas this weekend and are now blessed with a more concrete plan. We are fired up and ready to go. There will be no slacking off in December, but much thanksgiving and joy. Work does bring joy.
The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived
Hey Dean!
Thanks for the new blog and wise encouragement to start planning NOW mentally and emotionally and researching for our goals for the weeks to come.
Many people are thinking about Jesus Christ, especially at this time of year.
I have to say that Jesus Christ, was THE GREATEST MAN who EVER LIVED, and will forever be the one I want to follow in his footsteps. That is comforting and gives me a sense of stability because I don't rely on any imperfect human today, that as you mentioned our choice can change from day-to-day.
Jesus COULD have been THE GREATEST Real Estate Investor or WHATEVER he chose to do because he was a perfect man.
However, is that what he did??
I'm not too good at remembering sayings, but one saying that many people are familiar with is: "Give a man a fish and feed him for a day.
Teach a man how to fish and feed him for a lifetime."
Jesus kept his life simple. He did not focus his life around material things. He didn't try helping people to better their life for 70 or 80 years until they die. Rather, he focused the last 3 & 1/2 years of his life on earth on THE most important, never-to-be-repeated work of teaching people--not how to fish, but how THEY can extend their OWN lives FOREVER without end by taking in accurate and correct knowledge.
In addition, he gave the greatest gift anyone could ever give. He gave up his own life, so that we can gain life forever in a paradise earth. I don't know of any human ruler that has ever done that for his or her people.
By constantly focusing on the pattern that Jesus set, I stay focused on the most important things and I remember that real estate investing to me is a means to an end, not an end in itself.
Great Holidays and a Great Hero
Hello Everyone,
I just signed up for the Success Academy this week.
I am using the program, and working the lessons. But the program is going to let me achieve my 'Why' which is to create a legacy of long term wealth for my family.
To rise up from the poverty of my youth, and let my children have, and pass on, a better life and a better way of living.
Dean asked about Hero's.
I have had two.
The first is W. Clement Stone and the other is Frank Betcher.
Although they are both passed, they both wrote amazing books about success and helped many, many people during their lives, long before the days of self help and motivational guru's.
I still have 'The Success System That Never Fails' by W. Clement Stone, and 'How I Raised Myself From Failure To Success in Selling' by Frank Betcher.
I am so inspired being a part of all this on Dean's site and the Success Academy.
Happy Holiday's to everyone.
and Happy Festivus for the rest of us.
(it is a Seinfeld relate for those not familiar with Festivus)
The small secret...
That small secret seperates the quick starts from the others. If you are working through December, once January hits, there are already things happening. I couldn't agree with you more.
Jeremy K.
Great Advice
Great advice again, Dean. While others are slacking, we should be taking some type action. As you said though; we must take some enjoyment for the holidays.
My hero is my late grandfather...a man of few words, but one that was very accomplished. Showed me the value of hard work and the perserverance to never give up on your goals.
Of course, along with you; Matt Larson and Carol Stinson are my RE heroes!
Till next week...
Thanks Dean
For another great blog. I want to tell the rest of the family if you do not have the Edge 2010 DVDs already get them on Slack Firday. We bought the Set For Life package. To us the Edge DVDs are the best part of that package. We paid a lot more for the whole package than what Dean is going to charge you for just the Edge DVDs so buy them you will not be sorry.
Heros, First off Jesus, Dad, Marine Corps heros and has far as REI goes yes Dean Graziosi and the rest of the top students that have motivated us to do so well.
Steve and Veronica.
Great Video
A lot of good information. Can't wait to see the stuff for slack Friday.
Great Advice
Hi Dean,
Thanks for slack Friday. I have been thinking about that very thing, not slacking in real estate, during the Christmas season, will continue to make progress. The name that first came to mind is my grandmother. She passed away with CA when I was seventeen. She was a Godly woman, a very quiet woman, she never complained, always stayed busy. My mom is right in there also. This passed year it has been you, your team, and the rest of the DG family, you are great motivators. Heard three messages today on confidence, from two different ministers, while decorating for Christmas!!! WoW!! So Good. Confidence is the key. Have a great week. God bless!!!
Looking forward to Slack
Looking forward to Slack Friday!!
Hi Dean
Another great blog. I can't wait to see what you have in store for slack friday. I have to say that my heroes are my mother for always making the best with what she had, my late grandmother for her "never give up" attitude, my wife for the dedication she has in school and of course you and your team for all you do for all of us.
Best wishes.
Thanks Dean...
Everyone don't forget to network while you are enjoying all these holiday parties...let people know you are an Real Estate Investor, and pass out those business cards... because somebody knows somebody, who knows somebody that needs to buy or sell some real estate.
Keep Christ in Christmas...
I hope the SFL system is part of this "Slack Friday" (hint hint!!)
. If so, I'm on it!! If not, that's ok too
Thanks, Dean!
P.S. My hero? I don't have one. I wonder what that means about me...
Slack Friday
Hi Dean,
Thanks again. Looking forward to the holidays but don't want to lose touch with my RE business.So good to hear that you are again thinking of the people who are on the perimeter, the ones that just need that little break to get into this awesome business. Have a wonderful Christmas.
Slack Friday
Hi Dean,
Thanks again. Looking forward to the holidays but don't want to lose touch with my RE business.So good to hear that you are again thinking of the people who are on the perimeter, the ones that just need that little break to get into this awesome business. Have a wonderful Christmas.
What a way to start your MONDAY
With another great BLOG from Dean. Thanks again for the little pushes you give. I'm not checking out in December, but pushing harder. I've already gotten my buyers list going with my ghost ad. I'm telling everyone about what I'm doing and passing out business cards everywhere. And I'm marketing my website thru SFL System and telling others on my business cards. Great idea of hitting the road running in January. Keep the great idea's coming.
Remember, the sky is the limit!
PS: This blog only posted 15 minutes ago eastern time, how did all these other people get ahead of me?
My Heros
My 3 heros have always been John Paul getty, John Rockerfeller and Gonald Trump. The straegies that each use are phonemal but it does help to have some backup financially
Prior Blog
That's Donald Trump I did that purposely because he is a Go getter. Get it Go-nald
i'm cooking for grandma this year i promise my
self to go lite this year. 2011 i'm hitting the
ground running reaching for the top.
Happy holidays DG and Family.
Dean you are one of my hero's along with your hard working team there. There's also Matt, Carol
and all the others who give us love and guidance
to be a good investor. Joel Osteen said this last weekend that you have to have confidence in
yourself and not let the nay sayers move you off
your track of success. God gave us that confidence we just have to have faith and see all the good inside of us.
So to all the DG guys and gals out there , lets get some deals! oh yeah, my family and I wish all of you a wonderful and happy holidays.
Great Advice!
Building buyers and sellers lists have been proven
tough. In fact for the past week or so, it has been a struggle to do any thing in that regard. Thanks again for remind us the most important thing. That's building the block of the future! I'll take on your advice seriously.
By the way, my hero is my savior- Jesus Christ. I want to emulate Him in every area of my life. He is famous, successful and very rich. He is rich in silver and gold because all belongs to Him.
I'm getting back to work. I look forward to Slack Friday. Thanks for the video, and have a great week.
slack friday yeah
Dean I look forward to your every week to what you have to say. Thanks for all you do for us! I have been investing in real estate for 15 years now and every day I am still looking for another property or a way to invest to make money in real estate. Looking forward to your financing options you are working on. That is our biggest challenge these days.
Slacker Friday
Although I already have all this, I know how vaulable all this info is. Hopefully this will give others a chance to get on board.
You mentioned the holidays and slacking off. And I am hoping to find more deals this month, because now is when the banks need to get rid of properties on there books.
I was looking for people in my area to work with, but find they are all too busy now.
To be honest the past 3 weeks I seriously did want to give all this up, because of so many problems I am having...but yesterday I heard a sermon on the Christian Joy, and it really hit home with me. Then this morning I posted on a thread and someone came on and said something in reply very short and simple and it made me chuckle and actually made me feel like part of this family.
Then I saw your blog, and now I "will" hit the day running..not giving up, but intend to find deals "today" and Dean, you will never know how much even the few minutes each week make many of us feel like we will do this..not can do it, but will do it!
Thank you!!
Thanks again for a great blog! Really look forward to these! You always say something that makes me think harder about what I'm doing, or not doing.
Action action action is the key to this! I agree with taking time to enjoy the holidays. But not to the point where we forget what we are trying to achieve!
Very excited about the holidays this year! Lots of new and exciting things going on.
Look forward to slack Friday and seeing what you have to offer when you already offer so much!
As for hero's....I'll have to think about that one. Didn't realize that no one would just pop in my head to take that place. Surprised me actually that I didn't have one right off.
Thanks Dean!
Thanks Dean
Another great blog! Slack Friday is going on my list of things to look forward to this Holiday season.
My Heros are many. They are the people here who have dedicated their lives to taking action and on their way to a great future in REI.
My hero is the DG mom who is ready to take what she has learned to the next level for her children.
The DG husband who is taking action and changing the life of his family.
My heroes are right here in the DG family.
Thanks again Dean for a great encouraging video.
Dean.... You are something else!!!
I really need to meet you in person to make sure you are real!!!!
Every monday I watch your video, and if I am down I come back to life and it looks like anything you say hits me in some way or another.
My hero is my baby girl Mikaela.... she is the one I look up to. She is almost 2 years old and let me tell you... she has no worries, she is always smiling, she always makes me feel in peace!!!
I want to be her hero onces she gets older. I want her to feel the same way I do when she grows up!!!
Thanks for everything you do Dean!!!
Looking forward to meeting you in person next year!!
Heroes . . .
My heroes are none other than my parents. They brought me well and i get my energy just looking at my name. That is right, Dec. is here and my plan is to go around my area for For Sale signs and look em up at cityhall for their rightfull owners and get their tel. nos. Merry Christmas.