I bet you all were wondering where I've been. I must have fallen off the face of DG.com. LOL
Okay, here's the scoop:
I've been going at it hard and have had some real struggles these past few weeks. Lure stuff, roommate stuff, REI stuff all converging into one giant time consuming mess. I have been REI active. You may have seen me posting a few times over the past couple of weeks. I check my mail and PMs every day (almost)and read as much as I can. I had been given the assignment of birdogging for buyers for a fellow DGer's 3 props in FL. Busted my hump but was unable to get a qualified buyer to bite. Quite a bit disappointing. One of my partners asked about a quantity of houses in the midwest so I contacted one of my sources and got good leads. Unfortunately, my partner's buyer hasn't fulfilled his requirements to buy these properties so we are at a standstill. (Let that be a lesson for you newbies: Things don't always go according to plan )
I've also gotten involved with another branch of our DG family for the more advanced investors.( They let me in anyway LOL ) I've been spending quite a bit of time (maybe too much time even) reading their posts and joining the meetings just trying to get and stay better connected with our family. Dean even popped in and posted to our board a few times so I know I'm in the right place (as opposed to some of my REI groups that were wasting my time.) I just need to delegate my time better so that I get my tasks done each day.
Meanwhile, I've also been to Miami again last week so that took up time. I tried calling some fellow DGers on the trip but got no answers. It was just me and a long drive. The good thing ( and bad thing) was that I had a long time to think about things. Changes needed to be made and I've already started to implement them. I'm actively looking to sell the lure business because it is taking away my life and my opportunities to go elsewhere. I've changed my living arrangements with my room mate and she is no longer here. ( this was the bad part of my thinking time. Realizing that she had to go.) No more excuses. If I am going to fail, it's going to be because I didn't take the opportunities as they presented themselves. I've got nothing holding me back but myself now.
The room mate left last Friday and my immediate thoughts were to go and visit some other DGers I have been working with. (That's the REI mindset kicking in.) Unfortunately, the checkbook balance said, not right now. I need a sale from something, anything to get me over that hump. The excitement of that first deal has worn off and I am once again in need of another deal. I'm working hard to make it happen.
So that's my story and I'm stickin' with it LOL
Till next time... (and I promise it won't be so long this time)
Oh crap, I just remembered, I've got to do my dishes now. Bye y'all
It comes down to what we want from life, and as you have discovered, there are painful decisions to be made.
What's interesting is that you usually can feel it in your heart if you made the right decision or not, that heart that's the true you.
I can only imagine where you will be a year from now if you keep up with this mindset Andy!
Keep moving forward and you'll be there before you know it. Each 'failure' is one step closer to success.
Make it happen Andy!
PS - As you have found out, when you live alone you have to do EVERYTHING, including the dishes. So remember, you only have yourself to blame if it's not up to your standards.
Thanks Mark
Yea, I know. I got used to her doing most (not all) of the dishes for the past three years so it's not total culture shock for me to do them again. LOL
(You hear that fellow female DGers
lol )
Like Matt or Dean once said, (I believe) distractions are a killer and she was a major distraction and dream stealer. I was warned that her issues could be toxic to my success and they were. It's hard to distance yourself from someone you've known for 38 years but it had to be done. I guess my next mate will have to be a RE investor too so they understand the pressures as well
So I guess the only thing left to say is... NEXT...
Andy I thought you were here???
Glad you are back then. Mark's right the dishes are yours now! LOL! Wishing you the best!
Hey Tammy...
I've been here just not blogging.
I don't think I'll ever leave this site. Too much good info and too many good people on it to leave.
Keeping at it!!!
good to have you back!
it's all about the attitude! you got a great one, so I'm sure we'll hear about your next deal soon!
... just don't spend too much time doing dishes... you know, paper plates come in pretty handy
Thanks Valerie
My only problem with paper plates is the trees it takes to make them. There is always take out
Sometimes you have to make big decisions and sometimes those decisions suck! This was one of those but it had to be made. I'd rather go down fighting than just go down. Now I'm fighting!!!
Looking forward to posting my next deal