I've read all of Dean's books, have the last 3 years of Edge videos, have RBBP and have been following this site for 2 years. My wife is Midwest_Invest here on DG.com and I have been referred to as Mr. Sheila for too long.
My wife is extremely busy with our properties and their rehab work. So, I'm going to (attempt to) fill in for her. Don't worry, if I make a mistake, she'll catch it. She's the brains of our operation, I'm just the deal finder.
We have 3 small children and now thanks to Dean's books and DG.com, I get to spend a lot more time with them. I was working 70 hours a week as a manager and never saw my family. Real Estate has changed that for me. Too bad Sheila is having to put in 70 hours a week now during the construction. That'll be over soon (we hope) and we'll be on to our next deal.
We've flipped and now own a lot of property but we've never wholesaled. So, that's my goal. We want buy and hold property but I am going to wholesale at least 1!
Well, hopefully I will be on here quite a bit to learn as much as possible from the pros!!!
Welcome aboard!
Nice to finally meet the other half of the equation.
It's one thing for Shelia to have most of the real estate knowledge but with you coming on-board you'll be a deadly duo.
Congratulations on your achievements and we await to hear of even more!
So glad to have you! I guess after THAT deal you are a TRUE believer!!
I'm a believer!!!
"And then I saw her face
Now I'm a believer
Not a trace
Of doubt in my mind
I'm in love
I'm a believer
I couldn't leave her
If I tried"
The kids and I sing this one quite a bit (and everytime we do Micky Dolenz shivers uncontrollably for unknown reasons).
I believed in the system as soon as I read Dean's books. I was working way to much and hating every minute of it. I went to work way before the kids got up in the morning and often got home as they were going to bed. Luckily for m, We had Dean's books on audio tape (or mp3 or whatever it's called) so even though I couldn't keep my eyes open, I could still listen. The message was simple and made sense. It was us finally putting his words into our action that made it work.
Trying to squeeze a 40 hr work week into every single day wasn't helping. I couldn't call from work and I couldn't call people at midnight, when I finally had time. (I know, I know... excuses, excuses...) Seriously though, job from Hell and Satan's star demon was my boss! Well, I left that job and I would not recommend quitting to anyone else. It was a test of faith and scary as heck! Going from knowing you could pay the bills to hoping for the money to pay the bills is frightening! No safety net!
My wife and I started a small food concession business in our town and it was (is) successful. It makes money in the summer months. But we needed to be sure that our bills would be paid! So, real estate right? We already had Dean's books and had dabbled with only half-hearted attempts until this year. We decided to do the steps to find buyers (found some) and sellers (found some). When we analyzed the first "real" deal that we found and couldn't get a cash buyer right away, we decided to find away to get it ourselves! We used none of our money, got cash back at closing and gained equity and cash flow.
This began a passion for us... We wanted more properties... with equity... NONE of our money... and cash back at closing! (That's not too much to ask for right?) Well, we did it once. Lather, rinse, repeat for a total of 3 deals this year (2011).
110 Rental units, used other people's money, gained equity, cash flow every month, and cash back at closings??? I never would have believed it until we read Dean's books...
Now I'm a believer
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm a believer
Welcome to the family. Your wife has done well. Don't get her mad!!!!!...Jan