
All About wealthynowat51

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steven m.

Topics I've Participated In

assignment deal: locking the contract Mr.Maxwell1713 years 19 weeks ago
FAQ: Answers To The Most Asked Questions - Start Here dgadmin295013 years 45 weeks ago

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Locating properties and tying up the deal with a contract!

wealthynowat51's picture

My name is steven and i purchased deans materials and am currently looking to close on my first deal. I have a few buyers lined up already and also have a website where I can find properties. I need some good advise on how make sure my first deal go well. I plan to do a wholesale flip for some quick cash right now and later I plan to buy fix and resell.
Can anyone give me a few quick pointers so that I can avoid costly mistakes.


Millionaire in the Making

Have property under contract!

wealthynowat51's picture


my name is is steven and I have 2 deals I'm working on. One is a sfr and it is under contract as of 19 June. I am getting a rehab inspector to do a free walk thru to get any other repairs I may have missed. Also, I have a prospect investor who is looking at my deal. I will be presenting my offer to him today. This is my first deal this year and I have a question for someone, who normally pays for the title search,attorney fees, and closing cost? Also, I need any other information that can make this deal go smoother. Also, on my 2nd deal I'm working on in another city the couple is being transfered by the military to another permanent duty station and wants to get out from under their mortgage by end of july. It looks like this will be a short sale. Can someone help me, with experience, on the best move to make. Thanks

Steven in Georgia