Hey there - My name is Chris.
I purchased Deans book about 2 months ago and just got hit with some bad employment news so - Well.. Here I am.
I am very optomistic but admittedly I have my doubts - probably the case for many newbies until they close their first deal.
Have you already done so???
If so - any words of wisdom??
I dont mean to intrude or otherwise break any site rules but I reviewed them quickly and didn;t see anything prohibiting me from saying hello and asking for some general guidance...
Hey there - My name is Chris.
I purchased Deans book about 2 months ago and just got hit with some bad employment news so - Well.. Here I am.
I am very optomistic but admittedly I have my doubts - probably the case for many newbies until they close their first deal.
Have you already done so???
If so - any words of wisdom??
I dont mean to intrude or otherwise break any site rules but I reviewed them quickly and didn;t see anything prohibiting me from saying hello and asking for some general guidance...