Tiva the Real Estate Diva's Profile

All About Tiva the Real Estate Diva

Tiva the Real Estate Diva's picture
About Me: 

The road to becoming a failure is trying to please everyone rather than creating the path of success that is right for you.

Real estate investing, fashion and shopping, curling up with a really good book, enhancing my knowledge of things, baking, and watching great movies.

Topics I've Participated In

FAQ: Answers To The Most Asked Questions - Start Here dgadmin295013 years 44 weeks ago
This is outrageous! sugab281515 years 25 weeks ago
Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #38 - Dean is Coming to You! dgadmin32915 years 27 weeks ago

Basic Info

Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Hi Tiva

John A's picture

Wanted to wish you all the best on your REI & may you succeed on it quickly Smiling Feel free to ask questions & keep me posted on your updates if you like.....

Everyone Can Make A Difference!
John A.


Tiva the Real Estate Diva's picture

Thanks, for the encouragement. I really appreciate it. We all need it here because it is not easy trying something new and unknown to you. I will keep you updated on my success and I hope you will as well. Again, thanks and heres wishing you success on your REI as well.


Hi Tiva

Tracy Lynn's picture

I found my county webpage by going to google. In the search bar I typed the name of my county for example "el paso county homepage"

It brought up several links to my county website.

Then I clicked the "OPR" link (open public records) in there I found links to foreclosures in my area.

Hope that helps Smiling

Take care and god bless,

Tracy Lynn.

Thanks, Tracy

Tiva the Real Estate Diva's picture

Unfortunately, my county does not have a public website for foreclosures, you have to go to the county building. You would think seeing that it is such a huge metropolitian area it would be, but I also guess that could be why there is not. But, again thanks I still found some other interesting things anyway.