Semper Solutions

All About SemperSolutions

SemperSolutions's picture
Brandon, FL
About Me: 

I'm a Motivated, Passionate, Hard Working....almost to a fault, Smart and Kind Hearted single mother of 3.
I recieved my DG books about a year ago and honestly I have gotten past the first few chapters. I've been spending a lot of time on the DG website, there is so much WONDERFUL information. I was able to hit the ground running! Learning about real estate right now has been like going back to school for me. I have an AS Degree as a Surgical Tech. I was passionate about the medical industry, but that is NOT where the money is. As rewarding as it might be, all those "emotional rewards" weren't paying my bills. Now I have been setting aside some time EVERY day, 7 days a week, to explore the And EVERY day I learn a new little nugget of knowledge (you should see the walls around my desk....they are covered with yellow sticky notes).
After I felt like I had the info I needed to jump into Bird-Dogging, thats what I did. Bird Dogging lasted just long enough for me to learn the tricks of the Investing trade all on my own. I started finding all of the local Gurus and Copying what they were doing/charging for....I figured it out all for FREE or close to it! I am an analytical Problem solver to the MAX with a Thrifty mentality that is an instant asset to anyone that joins my team....

And Semper Solutions was born.
I am local Real Estate Solutions Specialist, covering everything from Investing, Assignments, Virtual Marketing, Professional Property Photography along with Mentoring and teaching as many people as I can with the Earn and Learn comcept.

I am Always looking to connect with anyone and everyone. Come Join My Team and Lets Make Some Money!!


Topics I've Participated In

Assigning question benbeka4428 years 2 weeks ago
The Low Down on (some) Cash for Houses Websites dgadmin8911 years 4 weeks ago
Fast way to find Buyers DJMario7114 years 8 weeks ago
NEWBIE On Her Way to Making Money!! SemperSolutions314 years 25 weeks ago

Basic Info

Self Employed
Have Child(ren)
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One
