terrie merriam

All About terrie merriam

terrie merriam

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Mainly Just This One


i want to BARM

have newly begun with insiders edge and platinum plus but as yet have not been able to develop technique for buildin a buyers list. would appreciate any advice


randy428's picture

Just stopped in to say welcome.you will find a lot of great info on this site. Go up on the left of the screen and hit real estate forums. And you can find anything you want.


Aloha & Mahalo! Welcome

JJD's picture

Aloha & Mahalo!

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download files, leave comments and Enjoy



Here are some resources to get you started! Please leave your comments in the post or two. And, Don't forget to check out all of the other great resources available in the books, links, downloads, conference calls and website provided here.

May You have Great Success on your Journey! You will find a vast array of information at your disposal on this site.
Most of your questions can also be answered by researching in some of the Forums, Posts, and other links available.
It would also be to your advantage to complete your profile to it's fullest as well.
Thanks For Coming Aboard!


merry christmas

merry christmas to all. its been agreat year, ive learned mountains can be moved/ or climbed, and that financial freedom takes a lot of hard work. am working at top three goals for new year. peace to all happy new year