
All About horiatis

horiatis's picture
Gena Horiatis
Woodinville WA, eastside of Seattle

Topics I've Participated In

REI Clubs on the eastside of Seattle horiatis315 years 25 weeks ago
using craigslist corey2121015 years 35 weeks ago

Basic Info

Piano Teacher
Have Child(ren)
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



MyDestiny's picture

Welcome Gena,
Just a note to say congrats to joining the greatest opportunity by far! You'll find many of the members post will answer most questions and what is not posted you can ask! Much success to you..........Lubertha

Glad to be on board

horiatis's picture

Hi Lubertha,
I so appreciate the welcome. I'm a little slow getting started here and feel like I've been treading water (looking and looking to make that buyer's list). I hope with the Edge community, I can get some pushes in the right direction!


Amer Brdjanin's picture

Hi Gena my name is Amer,i been part of DG program since November 2011 and i can't get a deal yet.yes,i did get a agent and i been thru alot of agent and still can't get it done.can you help me out?

Hello Gena ... Question For You

kilthau's picture

Hi Gena:
I just did my first deal in Phoenix, AZ and am totally jacked ($30K wholesale deal)!!

I have a real estate agent friend who has an off market estate deal in Bothell. I thought of you immediately as I know you live close by in Woodinville (I believe).

I sent you an email and would love to connect with you to see if perhaps you would be interesed in this deal?

Thanks for your time, hope to speak to you soon. I can be reached at 602.697.1978 or email me at eddiekilthau@****. Thank you!