I been a Mortgage Broker for over 10 Yrs. Recently I lost job working for Washington Mutual, and Indy Mac Bank, Both institutions went out of Business.
I try other smaller firms but with the market as volitile as it is. Loans became harder and harder to close.
My goals was to use mortgage industry to build a Real Estate Empire. When that came to a crashing halt. I had to find another way to make mine, my wife, and kids dream to come true.
With our savings rapidly diminishing and no family close by for morale support. My Wife and I decided to pack our bags and put our furniture into storage. And we move to Florida where both have siblings within 10 minutes apart.
Before my move i found a product that explained assigning contracts. I dove into the material. With the intentions of doing this in the florida market.
The material still left me nervous, and feeling that I still need more.
I saw Dean's Comercial several times before I took action and ordered his book. Mainly, I did not want to order another product and not be satified. Plus I didnt know how to explain the purchase to my wife. With no income coming in We had to be fugile with our savings
I found myself looking for Deans Comercial.
Fast Foward, I jus finish is book and is excited to rake action.