Joined: 2013-01-07
Points: 19
Tim Scheibe
Boise, Idaho
About Me:
Multi business owner and self employee, construction 23 years residential and commercial, worked in Arizona , Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Montana, Utah, and Idaho. Great family and friends who work hard and play harder.
Extreme sports, motorcross and softball
Weekly Wisdom #217
1) Beautiful Boise, Idaho
2) Unemployment rate currently 6.7% down 2% from last year
3) Current ave. cost for three bedroom is $130,000.00
4) Average rent is $900.00
5) Annual taxes near $1,000.00
6) ave is 60 days on the market
Boise is perfect for growing. BSU is growing, Boise is ranked the top 10 growing areas, and I have been a builder in Phoenix and Boise area for 22 years and the developers, the new mall already here, and the subdvisions coming due to more businesses is a great sign for the future. More jobs will be opening soon. Shy Bee