
All About shirleybatts

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Shirley Batts
Edgewood, MD
About Me: 

I am a mother of seven grown children, grandma of eighteen grand kids. The wife
of a great man named Terry. We are both ministers in the church. I have been a
real estate agent for seven years and interested in investing for the last three years. I have been educated in investing spending lots of money and still haven't done one deal. With Dean's course I have come closer to really getting started than I have with any other course. This time I think I'm finally going to do it.

Real Estate, singing, teaching and helping other when I can.

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Real Estate Agent
Have Child(ren)
Completed College

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Hi Shirely, your in the right Place an at the right time, sincerely, Jim

No excuses

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I am half way finish Dean's book 30 Days Real Estate CASH and all of a sudden I had to go shopping for myself just for clothes, a book case, shoes etc.
I haven't been shopping in about four months. When I came home I read in the book that because I am at the half way point to purchasing my first house that I may start to doubting myself. Also things in life will come up to stop the process. Well Dean was so right. Today now I am reorganizing my office taking out the old things putting in the new book case. It is true now when I refect back and remember doing the same thing before and never reaching my goals. Well I know the tricks now and NOW IT WON'T WORK and I'm going to finished this Edge course and put my offers in and get my first house sold.

Assignment contracts

shirleybatts's picture

Has anyone ever done an assigned contract before? What is a reasonable price to charge and what are some of the main things I should be aware of? I am
a realtor but this is very different to me.