Joined: 2011-02-09
Points: 28

About Me:
hi my name is sheila i live in ohio, i work at a nursing home, i have kids and dogs. i love the fall and winter. and enjoy my life alot with my kids. i hope to have grandkids in 10 years or sooner lol, and to be honest i want more then this for my kids and me i have wanted to get into real estate for 2 years. i do have deans book's i have read them all but just dont know where to start
how do i get started with no money or credit
hi everyone hope you all are have a great day i live in ohio and to be honest i dont know where to start i want to do this for 2 years and now that i have dean's book i just dont know where to start please if someone one this out there to help please let me know and i would like to know how do you get investors to help you buy the homes thanks alot sheila