Hello everyone,
I just wanted to list a few things about myself outside of my bio. I have found in the past that great conversations occur when people either discuss what they share in common, or are interested in how they are different. Here they are:
I am originally from Indiana.
I now live in San Diego, California.
I love to build things.
I am naturally mechanically inclined.
I have a strong interest in systems and more generally how anything works.
I worked as a machinist for four years, and just like Matt Larson I have looked down the line of the other machinists working next to me in despair, knowing that the most senior machinist only made a couple more dollars per hour than I did. To add some dimension to that feeling, my fourth year as a machinist was 1999. The most senior machinist had started working on the machine assigned to me in 1957. It is interesting how sometimes motivation can be traced back to a single moment.
I am currently studying business management. I will recieve my A.S. degree in December.
I have built two small businesses from the ground up. One was moderately successful and the other is inactive. The lessons I learned were way more valuable than any of the profits I earned.
I believe that an individual person can make ANY major difference in the world.
I also believe that a group of individual people who want to make a difference in the world, when united as a team, can make ALL the difference in the world.
Thank you for stoping by
our guest page. Thank you for the kind words. Best of luck with your REI and God Bless
Semper Fi