
All About rjohnson76

robert johnson

Topics I've Participated In

Weekly Wisdom #254 - Leopards Changing Spots dgadmin4749 years 12 weeks ago

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Mainly Just This One



I am looking for someone that can help me find a home in McHenry, IL. My wife is very ill and we live in a motel room she is virtually bed ridden and I have to work 7b days a week and then take care of her on my spare time which is not much. Dean donated $500 to my fund raiser site were I am trying to raise enough money to get her into a home where she can re learn to walk, and help herself. I was hoping one of you might be able to find a home and help me with the changes she needs done to a home and donate the home to our cause or If the payment was cheap enough and someone would finace it and carry the note for us we might could go that route. The economy ruined our credit we have no money and I have no time. It is just me and my wife so when I am not working 7 days a week I have to be there to help her. I really could use some help with donations, or donating a home in our area please contact me if you can or will be willing to help. I have a fundraiser site on gofundme under save Karrie if you could help with donations. But if you can help please contact me She has Lupus and many complications, and was a member of the DG family before she got sick. but I really need to get her out of this dump we live in she is breathing in mold and it is not good for any one much less a person with no immune system that is bed ridden and has to breathe it all day 24/7 Please help any way you can. Thank you and Please contact me.

Help me save my wife

I am still looking for someone that can help me find a home in McHenry, IL. My wife is very ill and we live in a motel room she is virtually bed ridden and I have to work 7b days a week and then take care of her on my spare time which is not much. Dean donated $500 to my fund raiser site were I am trying to raise enough money to get her into a home where she can re learn to walk, and help herself. I was hoping one of you might be able to find a home and help me with the changes she needs done to a home and donate the home to our cause or If the payment was cheap enough and someone would finace it and carry the note for us we might could go that route. The economy ruined our credit we have no money and I have no time. It is just me and my wife so when I am not working 7 days a week I have to be there to help her. I really could use some help with donations, or donating a home in our area please contact me if you can or will be willing to help. I have a fundraiser site on gofundme under save Karrie if you could help with donations. But if you can help please contact me She has Lupus and many complications, and was a member of the DG family before she got sick. but I really need to get her out of this dump we live in she is breathing in mold and it is not good for any one much less a person with no immune system that is bed ridden and has to breathe it all day 24/7 Please help any way you can. Thank you and Please contact me.