
All About riekeb

Rieke Boswell
East of San Diego, California
About Me: 

Moved here from the Wash. Metropolitan area of VA. Came to finish education. Completed that and went to work. Have freelanced ever since.

It's time for a career change. Things are moving in directions I don't want to move into with the changing times. So I'm searching.

Somebody sent me an email with information on Dean's LiveCast on the internet. Had never heard of him before. I was totally entranced by the entire thing, from start to finish, both days. I never moved during it. My mind was too busy spinning and clicking with all the information. So that is what people are doing! It was an eye-opener. The whole real estate thing has been such a mystery to me.

I had always wondered about real estate, but whenever I asked people about that, Oh, no, you don't want to get involved with that stuff.

Taking a serious interest in REI.

I want to eventually migrate somewhere else with a bit more greenery and ocean closer. I lived on the coast of CA for 10 years before coming here and am ready for a change again.

I'm going to study and see what I can do with this. It sure sounds exciting and fun and seems to offer a lot of freedom. And making better money would not hurt my feelings one bit.

NBaking bread, health, exercise, reading

Basic Info

Freelance cr reporter, Network Marketing, Rookie REI

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One
