rick mason

All About rick mason

rick mason
sioux city Iowa
About Me: 

well I have always wanted to get enough guts up to do this and now I have. I am 53 yr. old. trying to get on unemployment, and I do not want to go back to a job. after 40 years of working I want to work smart not hard, with my hands, unless it is to my advantage. there is alot to learn, so I am already loving it. being told I can not do it. thanks for now rick mason

Square Dance Caller and dancing, plus my great family

Topics I've Participated In

i dont know where i start masha1215 years 16 weeks ago
Finding Probate Listings kpohal615 years 19 weeks ago

Basic Info

Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


hi everybody

I am new at this so I can see I have alot more learning to do, but I am going for it sink or swim. this is a great learning page( web site) I live in sioux city Iowa and I just registered in the college. I see there is alot to learn but I will do it cuz it in my blood know. thanks for reading my blog.