
All About rg6626

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Topics I've Participated In

ACTUAL - Purchase Agreement/Offer Anitarny758 years 4 weeks ago
What Is Owner Financing Anitarny1248 years 10 weeks ago
LLC Benefits FDrake4128 years 15 weeks ago
Buying Property: "Subject To" sully1188 years 25 weeks ago
Ask Dean's Coaches a Question nstreet3748 years 26 weeks ago

Basic Info

Electronics Technician
Have Child(ren)
Some College



Indiana-Joe's picture

Welcome to the DG website community. The DG website is packed with great information and inspiration. I just wanted to stop by your guestbook and wish you good luck with real estate investing. Each day continue to increase your knowledge with real estate and before long good things will happen. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe

My Affiliate webpage

rg6626's picture

Thank you for enrolling! Please save the following information and put it in a safe place!

Username: rg6626@y_a_h_o_o_._c_o_m
Password: U*j23**8
Login URL: http://www.deanenterprisesllc.com/affiliate/affiliates/panel.php

How To Let Everyone Know In Under 5 Minutes...
We have given you a special website that will track all sales you have referred, so all you have to do is send people to that site and you are done.

Your website is:

Send This Email...
In your email account you probably have a contact list of dozens or hundreds of email addresses. Simply create a new email, add everyone of your contacts to the list, and press send. We have provided an email below with your special link in it so it is ready to go. Feel free to change it however you like, but this email should work well:

Subject: This made me think of you
Dear Friends and Family,

A little while ago I heard about a book that was
supposed to show people how to make extra
money, especially in this economy.

Even though I was impressed by what I saw and heard,
I was still a little skeptical,

But, the reviews were good, so I took a chance and got a
Copy for myself.

All I can say is WOW! The book is amazing.

I'm not going to tell you the title, because I want you to
be surprised when you find out what it is.

So just click here and you'll go to a special one page website
that I set up for you to find out about it, (how did I set up
a webpage? That's another story...), just check out the book
and then let me know what you thought.


I'm pretty sure you're going to like this as much as I did.

Your friend,


One you have emailed all of your contacts...
You can then log in to your affiliate control panel using the login info and link above to track your stats. Once you log in you will be presented with quick stats, such as:
* Impressions - The number of people who have visited your personal website.
* Clicks - The number of people who clicked on the link on your personal page to take them to the order page.
* Sales - The number of sales you have made, you get the full $19.95 for each sale.

Other features in your control panel to pay attention to...
* Reports - This has detailed stats about your referral effors.
* Getting Started - This area contains infomation on how to refer the book in a much bigger way beyond your contacts list.
* Promotion - Should you decide to refer on a larger scale you can get marketing material here.

A fellow Georgian

Greetings, Richard.
I am trying to put my first deal together and need some experienced advice. I want to do a 7-day Sale. (Deans Book- around page 130). Have you or any of your folks done one?

Trustworthy Help

Hi. We are looking for a chance to team up with experienced and reliable investors/cash buyers/agents. We've been part of Dean's group since 2013 and have not made a deal yet. We are still determined however. We are interested in the SC areas of Anderson, Greenville, Abbeville, Greenwood, Simpsonville, Mauldin, etc. and areas in Georgia. Any advice or help will be warmly accepted and appreciated. Thank you!