Real Estate Master

All About Real Estate Master

Real Estate Master's picture
Grace Chrysler
Phoenix, Az
About Me: 

I wanted to do Real Estate since 10! I love it and it will be my job like forever..........well really I like it so much it’s not even a job! I feel if I let Jesus tell me were some deals are he will! I hope.... No WAIT I will retire at 25. Laughing out loud Im also taking some personal power courses lol! Goal setting, wow is that a big talker abouter (not even a word)!

REAL ESTATE! full heartedly

Topics I've Participated In

What Is Owner Financing Anitarny1247 years 49 weeks ago
The real estate agents that try to shatter your dreams Isaiah11110 years 3 weeks ago
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RINA!!!! laurajohnson6910 years 18 weeks ago
Dean's Inner Circle dgadmin6910 years 40 weeks ago
What does the trinkets under your "points" represent? REvans711 years 36 weeks ago

Basic Info

Real Estate!

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


live in phoenix

justin2776's picture

Hi Grace

I live her in Phoenix Just got started in investing need some insperation to get started. I have all my tools in place jsut need to jump on it. Im 27 would love to retire at 35 lol.



Torque's picture

Grace, does Dean's program really work?

Use my properties to make money with no money

ecazdi's picture

I have 3 properties really cheap located in Detroit, Michigan. I am the owner, need to sell them. If you have buyers or investor for my properties, you are more than welcome to sell them. Check the link to see details and pics:

The asking price is for the hole property, free and clear, no debts, includes land and building. Just add your profit to that prices, that way you can start with no money.
