Hi, My name in Brian Claywell, I am 40 years old and reside in Albuquerque NM. I own a movie Production Rental company and have been investing in Tax Liens before I started with DG's books. I started reading the Rich Dad series from Robert Kiyosaki and got hooked. After reading his complete series, I started to invest in Tax Liens. This also gave my better half the feeling of security. I also like the nice return n investment and they are a win-win-win situation. One day I was home alone (wife was out of town) and I saw this Infomercial from DG. I sat there and watched, and watched and watched. Just the way he talked convinced me!! I ordered his program and I guess the rest is history.
Now, I have started National Investments and Solutions Group L.L.P.
I decided to look into areas that are extremely distressed and go forward in these areas. I have done hundreds of hours of research in the Detroit Metro area and see great opportunities!! I have my team set up in Michigan and in the Albuquerque area.
I am looking for other investors that would like to work together in NM and in MI. If your interested, drop me a line.
See you down the road and next year at the next EDGE.
Investing in Michigan
Thrilled to find your post! I am currently living in MI and I am a licensed RE Agent. Just getting started, but I am very excited and motivated! This is going to be a GREAT Year!