
All About MrRealtor

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Birmingham, Alabama

Topics I've Participated In

Realtors and Wholesaling MrRealtor312 years 16 weeks ago

Basic Info

Self Employed
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Leap of Faith!!

MrRealtor's picture

First of all I would like to say Hello to all of my new DG kinfolk!! I have recently finished reading Dean's Be a Real Estate Millionaire and I must say it has motivated and inspired me to get off the sidelines and get in the GAME!! I'm so excited about real estate and I have found a new understanding from reading the book and some of your posts! I look forward to learning and having a meeting of the minds from all of you. Thanks in advance!!

Realtors and Wholesaling

MrRealtor's picture

Hello DG family. How does a realtor get past the red tape associated with being a realtor and getting into the business of wholesaling properties and excersing my right as the buyer to assign the deal to an end buyer? Ive been reading about the advantages to having an active real estate license but it seems like it can be a blessing and a curse when it comes to wholesaling and assigning deals. The company Im thinking about hanging my license with has a policy prohibiting a realtor from engaging in any and all real estate transactions without them. Just trying to get some advice and insight from someone who may have knoweledge that would help alleviate any ambiguity.... Im thinking about using my LLC as the buyer on the contract if that possible...Thanks in advance and happy investing!