I presently own a painting contracting company in Tucson, Arizona along with two of my brothers. We currently have twelve employees who perform all of the daily operations of the business. We focus on managing the business aspect of our business and ensure that we hire experienced workers to perform all of the physical tasks. I have been researching real estate investing strategies for a while but have not taken the initiative to make it work. I am interested in whoelsaling properties as well as acquiring properties for rehab purposes with the intent of selling and holding. As with many new investors, funding seems to always be the dilemma. It seems as though our capital is always tied up in paying for supplies, vehicles or making payroll. I intially began my career as a Child Protective Services Investigator/Social Worker; however, after twelve years of social work, I finally needed a change. My primary goal is to develop a plan where my contracting business can work in collaboration with my real estate investing vision.
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