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Laura Munoz

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Weekly Video Blog #47 - Important Update On SuccessFest! dgadmin28015 years 16 weeks ago

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I have read your book and I am very excited about this venture! I have purchased property in tax sales, and for sale by owner mainly rural land, and gone very well for me. I did this before reading or knowing there were good resources out there, so I am confident I can do better now with DG, and others. I have many WHY's in life to do real estate, my son was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 02/2006, but is doing well, but those bills don't stop coming in, and many more to come. The pressure is always there and of course the worry of the tumor coming back, he is now 6 years old, cute as can be, and a fighter of life! Any ways, this not for anyone to feel sorry but grateful we have a GREAT GOD. But, I am working hard to better my family and not worry so much that he is not insurable, and pay those bills. I have learned a lot from DG website, book, the blogs and more. Thank You very much Dean, you can tell you have a great heart and God has blessed you as well and he will continue to do so.



Indiana-Joe's picture

Congratulations for being part of the DG website family. We are glad to hear you have found information and inspiration on the DG website because we do too. We just wanted to stop by your guestbook and wish you good luck with real estate investing. Each day continue to increase your knowledge with real estate and before long good things will happen. You can do it! Stay strong and keep working hard striving to achieve your goals. We look forward to reading about your continued progress and fututre deals. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe & Stacey