Joined: 2009-04-20
Points: 47

Liz McBride
Phoenix (Ahwatukee) AZ
About Me:
I am not new to real estate investing, but am a new Dean "Dream Team" member! I relocated to Phoenix almost four years ago from San Diego. My sister and I began a business of buying, fixing (asthetically mostly) and selling homes - which was a blast! - Unfortunately that business stalled because we were working in the traditional ways of real estate.
I have read Dean's "Profit..Now" book, am in the success academy and paricipated in the FABULOUS Gain The Edge 09 seminar. I AM MOTIVATED.
I will initially be working the no money (of mine) down / assignments strategy. My areas of interest are Phoenix and San Diego.
Financial freedom! Raising awesome, well-rounded boys (boys 6 and 9).
Hi Liz
Just wanted to say hi & welcome you to the DG site
Don't hesitate to ask me anything about REI to help you on your way to success, so ask away & stay in touch on your progress...
Everyone Can Make A Difference!
John A.