
All About Kaji

Kaji Edwards

Topics I've Participated In

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #198 - Score a FREE iPad from Dean dgadmin72412 years 5 weeks ago
Being a part of something bigger than you Kaji012 years 27 weeks ago

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Being apart of something bigger than you

Hi Dean
Being a part of something bigger than you is amazing, and being around people of success inspires you to be successful. When you find your self around successful people they help you get to there level they want leave you hanging because its like you are apart of the family. I love it being a part of something bigger than you.

Being apart of something bigger than you

Hi Dean
Being a part of something bigger than you is amazing and being around people of success inspires you to be successful.
When you find yourself around people that are successsful they help you get there to their level and want leave you hanging because you then become apart of their family. I love it being apart of something bigger than you.