Southern Wisconsin investor

All About JWL06

JWL06's picture
Madison and surrounding areas
About Me: 

its not even about money for me, i just want to be free and money is the key to that unfortunately but none the less im on my journey to being a real estate investor its going to be fun and i hope to learn some cool things along the way. right now im pondering taking my agent and brokers tests. im 20 so i have time on my side knowledge is power DG teach me the way!

Being free

Topics I've Participated In

Cheapest Bandit Signs and Business Cards Ever!!!!!! Deshone Drummond7212 years 15 weeks ago
First Offer is in hagermedia812 years 17 weeks ago
question about dean JWL062112 years 18 weeks ago
I just flipped the Ugliest house on the Planet Rando14512 years 18 weeks ago
MENTOR ME!!! TEACH ME!!! I'LL PAY IT FORWARD!!! lynsbaby512 years 18 weeks ago

Basic Info

full time investor
No Children
Completed High School

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Hi Joshua

Valuni's picture

congrats for taking steps towards your rei journey, and joining this amazing site where you can find great resources and advice from experienced investors.

Try to join a rei club in your area; network with investors in your area and ask if you can birddog for them; they will be happy to teach you how to look for deals and present them!

wishing you success,