Site Regular
Joined: 2010-08-30
Points: 1438

John Gillon
Moody, AL (15 mi. E of Birmingham)
About Me:
Have very strong passion and desire to succeed in REI! Purchased Dean's Think A Litle Different course in early 2008; ran out of money (and nerves) to follow through after ALMOST being there. Worked in construction industry as Materials Mgr (12 yrs abroad). Became a Subway franchisee and went bankrupt. Have been working in Food Service industry (moslty management) for last 15 yrs. Have also done some residential remodeling. I am currently working as a Server in a BBQ restaurant (despise it, but at least I'm not managing)...too many hours/headaches!!
Just received SFL last week and I'm pumped!!!
My Road to Redemption:
Anything to do with RE, all sports (mostly football), doing yardwork, family (grandkids)
Yeah someone in B'ham
I live in Inverness off Hwy 119 so we are not far from each other. I have made a friend on this DG website who lives in Foley but she has been coming to B'ham to look at deals. Sounds like you have been through the ringer but are willing to try again. I'm impressed that you bought SFL. I could not afford it but I did order the EDGE 2010 videos and am waiting for them to arrive. Maybe between you, me and my friend from Foley we could get together and watch them. No pressure just glad to see that someone on here lives in my backyard. Hope to hear from you and welcome to the DG website. Be sure to sign up for the conference call on Tue. 14th. They're actually very interesting and FREE!