I am a new REI and I chose Dean's program because I wanted something different. I wanted something that actually worked. I was a little skeptical of him the first time I saw him on TV. I did not order his book the first time I saw him. I then saw him a second time and then a third. The third time I saw him on the TV I decided that this was a calling to me that I needed to get this book. I ordered it and within a week the book was at my house. I dug into it the first day it arrived and I was excited about it. I had the book read within 2 weeks of receiving it. Once I was done, I came to a stand still. I did not know what my first step was going to be and I needed help. The sign came to me in a phone call that I almost did not answer. It was the people at the success academy. The information that showed up on the caller ID was that of a telemarketer, but I decided to answer anyway. I talked to this wonderful gentleman that pre-qualified me for the academy and I was off and running again. I am still working through all of the information on the academy website, but I have gained so much knowledge by being on the website and listening to the monthly calls. I want to thank all of the people that have helped my by asking questions. They had the exact same questions as struggles as me and it is so nice to be able to know that I can log onto this website and be helped with any question I may have. I have yet to do my first deal but I am working on making my contacts right now. I will update my info as soon as I make my first deal and let you all know how it went.
Hi and welcome!! I myself joined the success academy about 2 months ago and the info is pricless!!
Best of luck to you and good luck,, and don't ever give up or listen to negative people.