
All About ganderson9173

Gary Anderson

Topics I've Participated In

Real Estate Investing Weekly Wisdom #295 - Raise your standards dgadmin16410 years 31 weeks ago
Do Three Strikes Make A Bubble? DG_Mod211 years 23 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


my first rehab

this was the house from hell there were holes in just about every wall, the place was so filthy that I could not believe that two women and three children were living there with no water and no electrical service, I bought this house at county auction, I had to pay the women to move out of the house 1500.00 and then there was a lien on the water service, and guess what no one had paid the taxes for 2012 so I had to pay that I just sent in my paper work for the refund I pray that I have everything that you need, after all of that I am looking for another one to rehab. Total costs was 74,567.00 equity is a cool 30,000.00 and I have renters paying me 800.00 a month

the laptop

a few weeks ago some one stole both of my computers, when the police caught the guy at the pawn shop he threw my new laptop at the police and it was ruined by the scuffle between the police and this robber now Iam trying to save up to get another one, getting the one from dean would be a blessing Thanks Gary