[email protected]

All About Gofer


Topics I've Participated In

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #198 - Score a FREE iPad from Dean dgadmin72412 years 5 weeks ago

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Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Being part of something bigger.

I have just completed my initial 3 day training and have enlisted myself in every training that I could find with the D.G. program so that I can move as fast as I possibly can. Being part of a team that appears to provide unlimited support is important to me and lends itself to a level of comfort that will allow me to move forward with the confidence I need to get past what would otherwise slow me down. The level of my initial training and the obvious sincerity of the training team was truly amazing and comforting as well.
As soon as I figure out how to post my comments on facebook I will. I may have to wait for one of my kids to help me but it will be forthcoming.
I look forward to working with the team and to being in among all of you like minded people(:
All the best to us all!