All About EJR85

Eric roseberry

Topics I've Participated In

How to buy & sell homes under contract. EJR85315 years 35 weeks ago
Were can I find a, Discharge of Agreement to Purchase Statement EJR85015 years 38 weeks ago

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No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


New Investor

Hi, I am a new investor who bought Dean's book about 3 week ago. I am currently on chapert 9 of the book, and I have learned a lot, but feel I still have a lot to learn. Does anyone have any advice for me? I have a very low credit score and I dont't have any money saved to invest. I am thinking about buying my first property with a purchase agreement and passing it off to a buyer to make a quik profit so I can get started. I ahvent found my first property yet, but I have been doing some research. I would like to start a prerecored message but dont't have the money for the monthly fee. If anyone has any advice please let me know. Thanks