we are looking to purchase and refurbish 2 mobile home parks in Arizona, one has sufficiant income to pay its mortgaqge but still needs some repairs, and new homes. #2 is almost vacant, but needs more work and new homes but might be easier to fill. I have park management experience. Do you make these type of loans?
we are looking to purchase and refurbish 2 mobile home parks in Arizona, one has sufficiant income to pay its mortgaqge but still needs some repairs, and new homes. #2 is almost vacant, but needs more work and new homes but might be easier to fill. I have park management experience. Do you make these type of loans?
loan info
we are looking to purchase and refurbish 2 mobile home parks in Arizona, one has sufficiant income to pay its mortgaqge but still needs some repairs, and new homes. #2 is almost vacant, but needs more work and new homes but might be easier to fill. I have park management experience. Do you make these type of loans?