
All About djjjmc

davi mcleain

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Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



It was simple to complete this challenge because I'm already a firm believer in not watching the news.I also make a sincere effort not to partake in negative conversation.IF people pay attention to 10 things that come out of their mouths,probably 8 of them are negative. Most of us are conditioned though out our lives to exist in a negative mindset,we don't think about it because it is normal to us.when something is normal to you it is done without thought.So what I have been doing the last two years is working on changing what is normal.Positive actions create positive thoughts.

Greensboro NC

Anthony Davis's picture

Davi I wanted to stop by and say hello! I lived in Greensboro NC for 14 years. I have lived in several cities in the Tarheel state. I'm really glad and proud to see you on here. I truly believe the folks who participate in this online environment care about the well being of others. This environment is a pot of GOLD that gives useful information to conquer fear. It gives us the ability to connect with like-minded people to form support groups. It gives us the inspiration to move forward into the unknown territory (otherwise known as 'outside of our comfort zone'). Last, BUT not least, it gives us the educational tools to move forward along the road to SUCCESS.
May Your Days Be Filled With Accomplished Goals,