Hi from Edenton, North Carolina! Edenton has the honor of being "The Prettiest Small Town In North Carolina." I am a single parent of 5 beautiful children between the ages of 7 and 16 years old. They are the love of my life and it's because of them I work hard. I want them to be healthy, happy, and safe. After getting my AA degree in Medical Assisting, I started my own business doing medical billing. My goal is to a Physicians Assitant, so I'm going to college full time. Living in Edenton made me excited about becoming a real estate investor. Edenton has the most beautful historic homes, some in desparate need of repair, but they would make wonderful investment properties. I am so passionate about this new venture in my life. This site has offered so much information to get started and be successful.
Need to Add
Don't forget to add the 2 houses off Queen St. The upstairs/downstairs duplex and the sfh zoned commericial/residential used to be laywers office. ALL FURNITURE STAYS!!!
Need to do research then post ad!!! NOW !!!!