My name is Daniel. I live in the Southeastern lower part of New Mexico in Roswell. I am 36 This coming September 5th 2010 and I have some education on Wholesaling Real Estate and I am desiring my first deal. I have a little Internet Marketing skills underneath my belt also. I have decided upon myself that I was going to make this work. I have a very positive outlook on life as well as my attitude. I always research anything I get into before I go with it.I believe in these things to the heart. To be successful. I believe it takes: 1. A Burning Desire. 2. Finding your Definitive Purpose. 3. Having the right Positive Mental Attitude. 4. Having Persistence. 5. Most of all Faith and with Faith comes 6. Doable ACTION. I have listened to Napoleon Hill "Think and Grow Rich" and now I am reading Charlie Cook's "Millionaire Mentality". I recommend them both.
I believe in saying affirmations to yourself daily: "I expect fantastic things to happen to me everyday." "Wealth and all good things are now overflowing into my life" "I am now wealthy" "I deserve to be wealthy" "I am now a money magnet" "Today is going to be a great day, I feel like a million bucks." Look at yourself in the mirror everyday and say to yourself "I'm unstoppable" "I'm a winner and I'm going to make it" I believe my life has made a turn around for the better right around October 2008 when I started listening to Napoleon Hill, John Asseraf, and anyone success minded that has made beyond millionaire status. I believe that money is not difficult to make on-line, Real Estate, or any other business. Anyone can attain great wealth once you find someone to broaden your awareness level. Money doesn't just go away it moves around. Money is just an object like everything else. It's our thoughts that keep us away or towards the things we desire most. If you desire something in life, anything. Always focus on what you want more of and cancel everything else out. Don't listen to the voice in your head that tell you "you're no good or you won't succeed, your not good enough, smart enough" "This isn't for you, give it up already, dreamer".
I believe that life is a journey NOT a destination. Remember to get where you want in life just fail better and fail fast and don't ever give up. Your going to fail it's a part of success in anything you do, it's the learning process we go through that eventually broadens our awareness level to what we want to know and get better at. Imagine Success and everything you've always wanted as once someone told me like a 200lb stone ball that you have to roll up this 90 degree angle hill and you know that your dreams and money are waiting on the other side. Focus on the outcome. Imagine just how great it'll feel once you get to the top it's all down hill from there and now you got momentum all the way down and your unstoppable.
Your #1 goal in life should always be to focus on the outcome not on what your experiencing at the moment. #2 To always focus on your awareness level being broadened it makes the climb more attainable.
I have a goal to make my first $50,000 in Real Estate by Sun 2/20/2011. Have a goal to make my first $5,000,000,000 by Sat 9/4/2014. All I can say is this is what I have for now. I am here to help and network together. this may or may not change from time to time. This is me. We are all here for one reason and one reason ONLY.
What does that freedom mean to you? Everyday wake up and be grateful for something you value. Set goals. Have Urgency and smile Last but not least Laugh. Listen to Stephen Pierce's "This Will Change Your Life" Audio. I'm not kidding email me if you want a copy. Lets do This!
"A deep burning desire leads to Key to True Life and Persistence is the True Path To $uccess." - Daniel R Gomez
"You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want." - Zig Ziglar
P.S. Here's something I goto sometimes :
Just wondering...
The website you have posted above; realwholesaling.com. I am sure you are aware that is Carol Stinson, and she is a DG student and has shared alot of info on here. Her name on here is freeindeed. Look into some of here posts.