
All About daleandsherrie

dale eckstein

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Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #217 - Seeking Investor Area Managers dgadmin157811 years 20 weeks ago

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Mainly Just This One


Hopefully my new job.

1. Oshkosh/Omro Wisconsin
2. Current unemployment rate 5.7/2011, 6.6
3. Average 3 bedroom home 125,000
4. Rent $650.00 to $750.00
5. Taxes average $2200.00
6. 120 Days average matket time
Dale from Omro Wi

Weekly Wisdom # 217 Seeking Invester Area Managers

1. Oshkosh/Omro Wisconsin
2. Current unemployment rate 5.7/2011, 6.6
3. Average 3 bedroom home 125,000
4. Rent $650.00 to $750.00
5. Taxes average $2200.00
6. 120 Days average matket time
Dale from Omro Wi