
All About brendtzone

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What do you do when the property has negative equity? R.E.Budda5610 years 25 weeks ago
Contract Questions??? Epidemic21151015 years 14 weeks ago

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How to Work this deal

brendtzone's picture

I live in a condo complex where my neighbour want to get rid of here condo. She basically want someone to take the payment over. I told her that I could do a lease option and she stated that she would think about it. After the conversation ended I had a second though about the lease option. She bought the place for $213k and owes about $140k, there is no second mortgage. her payments are current, The problem is that other condos in the complex are going for shortsale for $69k some are sold for $90k. I am not sure what to do with this deal or to tell her any advice?