
All About bevjbear

bevjbear's picture
Beverley Johnson
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
About Me: 

I am a REI as of Sept/11. I have been a Respiratory Therapist since 1977 and retired in 2008. I have a Daughter, Lindy and a son, Roy. (My pride and joys) Just returned fr a WONDERFUL time at the Buying Summit for Nov in Los Vegas. I come fr a small!! farm in Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada and am one of 12 Children(8 girls, 4 boys). I am planning to make this REI career once of the best so I can make my whole family comfortable and I know that with Dean and his Team(I guess also my support team now), I can achieve anything...the world is my playground:)

Now real estate of, I love people and ways to help them in whatever their situations, I read, craft(u name it ,,,i think I have done it), Love movies and animals and nature.

Basic Info

REI and Respiratory Therapist
Have Child(ren)
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Welcome to the DG family

travisderod's picture

Welcome to the DG family Beverley! Make sure you finish filling out your USER INFO, city/state and bio so that we know where you're from and what kind of investing you're doing. Welcome!

That "Other Self" voice inside ur head...

bevjbear's picture

Hi Dean,,,Happy New Year and what a much better year 2012 will be!!! I am always happy to see an Email from you as it gives me that extra motivation that I need especially now trying to get back some of the momentum I had before the Holiday break. Had a wonderful Christmas and Holidays but fell into a lazy streak and over this last week have remained in that ho hum mode.( knowing full well that it was the voice fr the other side...LOL)> Anyway...since the credit card is maxed out and not much to shuffle around with in my accounts; I HAVE to get back to work. Just wanted u to know how much this site gives me the extra push that I need as I continue on my learning aim is to have my 1st deal by the end of January( and then it is just adding another after that and then snowballing this winter and spring). Thanks ever so much:)

Sorry....been preoccupied with other issues...

bevjbear's picture

Hi Dean et al:...I have been outta touch for a while due to family emergency and personal health issues. Was lying here tonite and sleep just wouldn't come so i decided to explain why I haven't been here for awhile. 20 yrs ago on Feb 7, 1993, I underwent 13 hrs neurosurgery for a brain tumor(thankfully benign). Now I wait for 5 breast biopsy results, taken unreal as that seems...20 yrs ago to the day!!! Anyway,,,,,,I would appreciate is My family and I could be included in your prayers and hopefully in 7-10 days, this tumor will be found benign as well. Thanks, Bev

I am back...

bevjbear's picture

Had Ca of the breast this spring: surgery in March, and then Radiation Treatment in May but feeling pretty up thru it all and they feel they have gotten it and good prognosis. I was busy acting/singing with the Gilbert and Sullivan Society in April and May, performing Mikado. I am again in the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo here in Halifax as a member of the choir and it is going along well. Mixed in with the above is continuing involvement with helping to mould a 2 yr old girl named Sophie who I have self-adopted as my surrogate grand daughter. She is a light that glows for all around her to see--bright and happy and I hope that I am one of the relationships in her life to help her continue that way. 20 yrs ago, I had surgery for a brain tumor and I prayed as I went into surgery(my son would be turning 3 yrs old in a couple of wks post surgery and my daughter was 4) that I would be allowed to be an active part of their growing up. Now they r 23 and 25(Lindy will be on Labor Day). They r wonderful young adults and I am ever so proud of them(not from what they have achieved so far -- but because of who they are and their ethics and morals and individualism.......they can stand on their own 2 feet if they have to and I am sure they will make the right decisions as I have already found out in certain hard situations. I could not be more filled with love for them both!!! I pray that I will be able to be a huge part of Sophie's life and also to my own grandchildren when they come along. I have already started taking on goals which I hope to attain by fall and getting back into the REI process is definitely one. Thanks Dean for being part of the extended family:)

I'm BACK!!!!

bevjbear's picture

Hi all....I had a meeting with my Radiation oncology Dr last wk and he only wants to see me again at his retirement party in 15 yrs!!!! YIPPEE:) Happy, I am!!! Just attended an REI forum in Moncton, New Brunswick this weekend. Made some Fantastic contacts!!!! I am looking for some deals like the ones Dean had posted last wk. I have a buyer for properties that have been renovated, good tenants in place, a reliable property manager involved and of course,,,,,,,,,,, positive cashflow. My fax # is 1-902-404-5045...Let it start ringing:) bevjbear@**** Dare To Dream Enterprises. Thanks, Bev